5. Weird Friends.

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***Mayra's POV.***

I feel someone shaking me awake and calling me, "Mayra, wake up. Mayra!"

"Yes. I am up." I say with my eyes still closed.

"No, you are not." I recognize the voice as it is of Arya.

"I am sorry. As I was a little tired, I thought about taking an hour's nap with Veer." I say as I rub my eyes.

"I know that is why we let you sleep for four hours straight." Arya says.

My eyes finally open wide and look at time. It is already six.

"Why didn't you wake me up a little early? I have yet to get ready." I say and get down from bed.

I was sleeping in Arya's room with Veer after we played for a little while. Veer is not beside me, which could mean only one thing: he woke up before me and someone from our family took him with them.

"Where is Veer?" I ask.

"Bhai came and took him to get ready. He didn't want to disturb you, so warned us to let you sleep till the time to get ready comes." Arya says and puts my outfit on the bed, which she brought with her here for me.

"Did Shaurya take the outfit which I selected for Veer?" I ask.

"Yes. Also, here are some snacks and your coffee. You must be hungry. Eat and then get ready. I will go down now." Arya says, and the maid puts the tray down on the table.

I nod as they leave and stretch a little. After eating some snacks and drinking coffee, I took a quick shower and got ready in a saree. Even though I am a modern girl and wear all types of clothes, I am still a little desi by heart and love sarees a lot as that is also my outfit for classical dance. No matter what a woman wears, she looks beautiful, but a saree does wonders on them. They look out of this world.

I wear a lime green silk blouse and then drape ethnic off-white silk saree with golden embroidery. Shaurya's Mom gifted it to me when our relationship got fixed. As I put the last pin to fix my hair in an updo, a knock comes on the door.

"Come in." I say and the door opens to reveal Shaurya, "Shaurya, is Veer ready? Wait a second, what are you wearing?"

"Why? Is it not good?" He asks as I look at his dark olive green suit.

"You look dashing, but you can't wear that tie with it. Why do you always have to wear a tie, Shaurya? It is not a meeting. It is your son's birthday party." I say with a chuckle.

"But nobody said anything." He says and puts the box in his hand on the dresser.

"That's because nobody was looking at you. Today Veer is the centre of attention." I say.

"When he is not?" He asks with a proud smile and I shake my head.

"What is this?" I ask, looking at the square blue box.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Dadi sent this for you." He says.

"But why?" I ask and open it to see a choker necklace and matching earrings.

"It will go well with your saree. They were going to give you a jewellery set when they gave you a saree but they needed to make some changes as they said all the jewelleries look old and their daughters are young. So..." he says and I understand.

"Okay. I will wear it. Am I late?" I ask as I take out the earring and wear it.

"No." He says as he sits on the bed, "Did you eat anything?"

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