22. Warning Call.

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***Mayra's POV.***

"We should go out this Sunday." I say as we have breakfast the next day.

"Sure. Where?" He asks.

"Hmm... Maybe we could go to that amusement park and then go to the mall for some shopping." I say as I give him one more paratha.

"And we can also watch a movie." He says.

"No. That's a bad idea. Veer is at that stage of life where sitting still is impossible for him." I say and look at Veer, who is running around. He comes to me to eat one more bite, then off he goes again.

"Seriously, I would really like to have that much energy, too. Okay. By the way, how is your painting coming around?" He asks.

"Good." I say.

"Can't I see?" He asks with a pout.

"No. That's very private. But once it finishes, I may let you sneak a peek." I say.

"That's very generous of you." He says.

"Thank you. Also, what would you like to eat tonight? I am cooking. I mean, I will try." I say.

"It has been a while since I ate biryani. Can you make it?" He asks.

"I will definitely try." I say and feed Veer again, but this time he wants to sit in my lap.

We have breakfast and Shaurya leaves for his work after giving each of us a kiss on the cheek. At first, those simple cheek kisses used to make me nervous, but now they make my heart flutter. I wave at him as he leaves, and so does Veer.

"Yes, Mom. He is fine now, and he takes his medicine on time... Yes, I have made sure that he has a driver. How is everything there?... Oh, that can be a problem. What about we paint the room dark blue? Veer seems to love that color." I say as I talk to Mom and put away Veer's toys as he is taking a nap.

"Bhabhi Ji, I am going to the market to buy some spices. Do you need anything else?" Rajjo asks.

"Yes. I need you to buy some tissue papers too and here." I say and give her the money.

After she leaves and I hang up, I take the baby monitor and close the door gently. My phone rings as I take out the laundry to dry them. I go to pick it up, but then it stops. The number looked unfamiliar. Maybe it was the wrong number.

I sit in Veer's room later while I am painting as it is peaceful here and my son is giving me good inspiration, also he is a good muse. As I have put my phone to vibrate so Veer won't get disturbed, I pick it up when a call comes. It is the same number as before.

I feel a little weird, but I still pick it up and hear nothing from the other side. I am not stupid enough to speak first and wait for the person on the other side to speak. And the person speaks.

"It is better to give him up sooner than later." The voice is feminine and I have a good idea who it is.

"Never." I say in a strict tone which I rarely use on my students and hang up. As I seethe in anger, Veer wakes up.

"Mumma." He calls for me and I get up and take him in my arms.

"I will never let you go, dear. You are mine." I say and kiss his head.

"You look a little pale. Are you doing okay?" Shaurya asks me as I serve him biryani, which I made.

"I am fine. Eat and tell me how it tastes." I say and wait for his praise.

"Hmm... It is good, Mayra. Sit and have some." He says.

"I will. But I don't feel well right now to eat anything." I say.

"But you just said you are fine. What is it? Is it a fever?" He asks and touches my head with the back of his hand. "No. Instead, you feel a little cold."

"I am fine, but feel a little queasy. Maybe because I had too much for lunch." I lie instead because that call makes me feel sick.

"Do you want any medicine?" He asks, very much concerned.

"No. And don't worry, I will eat something after I feel a little okay." I say.

"Is Veer going to sleep with us?" Shaurya asks as I enter the bedroom later at night with Veer.

"I just want him close for today." I say.

"Don't you want me close?" He asks and we both blush.

"Why do you ask questions like this when you know you end up getting flustered?" I ask.

"I am trying, at least, to get close." He says and looks away.

"Here. Would this close do?" I ask as I sleep beside him, not at the end of the bed.

I put Veer at that end and put a pillow beside him. I hold my breath as the silence stretches long. But then he puts away his file and turns off the light. As he drapes the duvet over us, I feel him hesitate as his arm hovers above my waist. I sigh and put my arm above him and put it down on my waist to solve his uncertainty.

Both Veer and Shaurya are in deep sleep, but I have yet to get any sleep as I think about that call. How did Priya get my number? And why did she call me to tell me that? Is there any possibility that she could take Veer away from me?

My heart won't be able to handle that. I am strong and would fight tooth and nail to keep my son on my side, but the thought of him somehow ending up with Priya scares me. And I don't like this feeling. My day starts with Shaurya and ends with him, but my whole day goes with Veer. They both have their own space in my heart and nobody would take them away from me.

I am sorry, Shaurya. But I won't tell you about this. Not now, at least. You need a break from your past to enjoy your present with us. And my mission from now on would not be to fear Priya but to enjoy the time with my family and throw it in her face. I know that is cruel, but what is even cruel is to challenge a mother that they would take away her son from her. And like hell, she would let it happen.

"No, Mumma. Dis one." Veer says and gestures to a peplum top on Sunday morning.

"Wear it. We are going out for fun, not pooja, where you have to wear a suit. Even, I am wearing casuals." Shaurya says and makes Veer wear a matching apricot color turtle-neck top.

"Fine." I say and go to the bathroom to change.

I put my hair in a high ponytail and when I come out, both father and son are ready and smiling, looking at me sitting on the bed.

"What?" I ask as I wear boots.

"Veer." Shaurya says.

"Lovely." Veer says with a giggle.

"What did you say?" I ask Veer in surprise as he spoke a new word.

"Lovely. Mumma is lovely." He says and giggles again.

"Aww! Mumma's Veer is lovely too." I say and kiss his cheek then ask Shaurya, "Did you teach him?"

"Maybe." He says looking away, "But what about me? Am I not lovely, Veer?"

"Cute." Veer says the word he often hears from me.

"Cute? I am fine with that." He says.

"Kisses. Kisses." Veer says, patting his cheek. A new habit he has adapted recently.

"Okay baba." I say.

"Together on both the cheeks as I take the first picture for today." Shaurya says, and I nod.

We were just posed to kiss Veer's cheek, who is sitting in the middle and just when we were about to kiss him; he rolled back and instead of our lips touching his cheeks; they touched each other. As we look at each other in surprise, a flash goes off.

The last sane thing I remembered was Veer's joyous giggles.

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