49. Epilogue-I.

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***A Month Later***

***Mayra's POV.***

"So how was it?" Shaurya asks me as he opens the door of the car for me.

"It had gone better than I thought." I say as soon as he sits beside me.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yes. I finally am mature enough to understand and hear her predicament. She was going through a tough time keeping both of us alive and on top of that filthy men were trying to take advantage of her situation. After she got back to her home country, she started night school and did two jobs. And then she started working in a charity to support women who had gone through what she had been through. There she met someone and ignored him for three years until she couldn't. They are married for ten years now. And do you know what?" I ask as we drive home.

"What?" He asks.

"I have a five-year-old brother." I say.

"Wow! Really?" He asks, "How do you feel about that?"

"Nice. She has shown me his pictures and asked me to visit her. Also congratulated me for my pregnancy." I say.

"So it was a good idea." He says.

"Yes. I feel a weight lifted off my chest. Mom was right. When I talked to her about that incident she said it doesn't matter as she is my mother now but I should see her because Hazel has her own story too and suffered just as much as Mom did. Maybe worse because Mom had a family but Hazel was in a different country. It must have been difficult for her." I say.

"Do you want a treat before going home?" He asks and my mood lifts immediately.

"Veer, look what I brought?" I shout for him and he runs towards me with ball.

"Careful, now." Shaurya says and picks up the ball and kisses his head.

"I-ceam." He says with chocolate in his mouth.

"Who gave you that?" I ask.

"Your Dadu." Shaurya says pointing at the culprit who is standing there with his hands behind his back.

"Dadu!" I scold him.

"What about you? You brought ice-cream." Dadu says.

"Whatever." I say.

"Is everything good to go?" Shaurya asks Reyansh.

"Yes. We are taking out old furniture for Holika Dahan." Reyansh says and I take out one small box of ice cream to feed it to Veer.

"But aren't we going to Verma's Holi party?" Shaurya asks.

"Yes, but that's tomorrow. They are coming here for today." He says and Shaurya nods.

At night, I wear a red saree and get ready like a bride as it is my first holi after the wedding. Shaurya keeps praising me and doesn't want to leave the room. When we come down, we see the room is filled with many people. I have started opening up to society recently and attending parties and gatherings with Shaurya.

Some have been nice and welcoming but some are still judgemental while others are undecided and in fear to lose their reputation in society. But some are changing their minds and becoming friends with me.

Shaurya and I take pheras around the holy fire and so does Vedant Bhai and Arya after us. Arya has kept fast on my instead for Veer as I couldn't because of my pregnancy which is going well so far.

"Do you want some juice?" I ask Arya.

"I am fine, Bhabhi. Please don't worry. And I have my own personal server. Vedant." She says and he comes rushing to her side.

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