20. Moving To Chandigarh.

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***Mayra's POV.***

"Are you all packed up and ready to go?" Mom asks and I nod as the last of our bag is kept in the car.

"Yes, Mom." I say.

"Call us when you get there." She says and takes me into her embrace.

"I will." I say, and she kisses the side of my head.

"I am going to miss you all." She says.

"Visit us if you miss us too much." I say and she nods.

Then I touch Dada Ji and Dadi Ji's feet for the blessing and they ask if we kept the snack which Mom made and I assure them that I did. Then Parth hugs me tightly.

"I am going to miss you and Veer a lot." He says.

"What about me?" Shaurya asks, coming behind me.

"I won't miss you at all." Parth says, but then hugs him.

"We are just going for a month or two." He says.

"What would you know about how difficult it is for a mother to send away her daughter? Take care of her and cook for her." Mom says, and he nods and hugs her.

Then I touch Dad's feet and hug Reyansh. Vedant and Arya are sitting in one car with half of our bags and we take the second car which I would drive. I strapped Veer in the back in his car seat. He waves at everyone as we leave.

I hope this decision was for the best. Shaurya squeezes my hand and I turn my hand to squeeze it back to assure him I am fine.

***Three Days Ago***

"What happened before the accident?" I ask Shaurya.

"What do you mean, Mayra? I told you what happened." He says, but I know he is lying.

"No Shaurya. You are hiding something from me." I say.

"Why would you think that?" He asks.

"Because I know how you drive. You are a father, Shaurya. And I know how cautious you are. There must have been something that disturbed you so much that this happened. Tell me what it is. Please. Am I not your friend, your wife? I have the right to know if there is something which is bothering you." I say.

He looks anywhere but at me. I take his hand in mine and he looks at me. After a few seconds of silence, he finally confesses what actually happened, and I get shocked.

"She is back?" I ask.

"Yes." He says.

"So what is the problem, Shaurya? We already submitted our plea in the court for me to be his next of kin." I say.

"That is true, but even though I have Veer's primary custody, Priya still has her visitation rights until Veer turns 18. Veer has just settled with you and if she comes back everything would get messed up again and that is what she wants. She wants revenge and I don't want your and Veer's new relationship to suffer. So I have thought about something." He says, and I understand his fears.

"And what is it?" I ask.

"We will move to Chandigarh till the legalities are over. I don't want Priya to get a whiff of it and create an issue. For now, running away is our best option. Once you become Veer's legal parent, I would be relieved." He says.

"But Shaurya-" I say, but he interrupts me.

"Please, Mayra. Please. I am doing this for all of us. I know her. She would go to any length to create nuisance. And I need time not only for this legal issue but for you too. We have just started our life and I don't want her presence to spoil our moments. I want to know you more and I need more time with you. Please say yes." Shaurya says and puts his head on my shoulder in defeat.

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