50. Epilogue-II

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***Five Years Later***

***Veer's POV.***

"Shravan. Shravan." I yell out my brother's name but he doesn't answer back. It is sad but I will not stop trying.

"What happened, Bhai?" The sweet voice calls out to me.

"Siya." I say and she jumps from the couch and rushes towards me.

"You brought another toffee. Yay! Mumma!" She shouts as she goes to call Mumma and I put my hands over my ears. She is a loud one.

I feel a tug at my school uniform's coat and look beside me to see my baby brother. He is so cute with his sleek black hair and green eyes that I hug him tightly. He tightens his arms around me then pats my side to release him. Then he points at my trophy.

"I won the boxing match." I say and give him the trophy.

He doesn't says anything but hugs the trophy proudly and gives me a card he made for me.

"Your drawing is better than mine, Shravan. How was your visit?" I ask him as we sit on the couch.

He makes signs which say that it was good but boring as usual.

"Did you speak anything?" I ask eagerly and he shakes his head in no.

"Oh, my lovely Veer won again, didn't he?" Mumma asks hugging me from behind and kissing my head.

"I did. Look." I say pointing at Shravan who is holding up the trophy.

"Aww! See Shravan, Bhai is so strong." Mumma says hugging us both.

"Hey! I am stronger. I bated Dad in hand wre... wrist... wresting match." Siya says with her hands on her hips.

"Of course, you did my supergirl." Mumma says and showers her with kisses.

"I am papular." She says and Shravan shows her the book after writing something, "Okay. It is a trophy, beated, wrestling, and popular. Thanks, deer."

He rolls his eyes and again writes something and shows it to her, "But you are like Bambi, the deer. My cutie patootie." She says and pinches his cheeks.

"Did you get hurt, dear?" Mumma asks me.

"No, I am fine. Just a little scratch on my knee that's it." I say and she gets worried.

I like when Mumma fuzzes over me. She looks cute and gives me a lot of kisses which I pretend not to like. Then makes my favorite dishes. My life is so cute. Piya told me at least I have siblings and when I asked, I could be her brother too, she poked me in the belly and swore me never to say that again. I seriously don't get her. She is getting weird.

As Shravan and Siya start bickering through writing I interrupt them and play a game with them to distract him. Dadda comes home in the evening and I go to meet him when I hear them talking.

"Do you think Shravan would ever speak, Shaurya?" Mumma asks Dadda.

"He will. He is a smart kid." Dadda says.

"But his therapist said Shravan thinks there is no need for him to speak. And I don't want Shravan to have thoughts like that. I think we should opt for the tough way." Mumma says.

"Mayra-" Dadda says but Mumma interrupts him.

"No, Shaurya. Look my heart would pain too if we get strict with Shravan. But if he doesn't speak soon, it would get difficult for him to speak ever." Mumma says, "We have to harden our hearts for our kid's sake."

"I think you are right." Dadd says. With a sigh.

I make the determination of my own to do everything possible for Shravan to speak up.

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