thursday night pub trip

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tw/cw: alcohol and being drunk, vomit, depressive episode, suicidal thoughts and ideations, hair pulling.

punz and sapnap stumbled out the pub side by side to be greeted by a grinning dream, leaning against his car.

"there's no way the two of you seriously got shit faced at our local pub on a thursday evening." the tallest laughed, swinging his car keys on his index finger and examining the state of his two friends.

the drunk boys paused for a moment before looking at each other and bursting out into fits of laughter. sapnap folded over wheezing, pressing against his stomach with his arms before abruptly moving to face away from his friends and vomiting into the hedge beside the car.

dreams smile dropped as he pushed off from his position sitting on the trunk of the car, shifting to stand beside his friend and hold the shorter boys shoulder. "you okay sap?" the dirty blonde question gently, using his thumb to rub small circles into his best friends back. worry flashed over dreams face as the smaller boys body jolted forward as he vomited again.

silence momentarily settled over the three boys in the carpark until the ravenette turned back towards his friends, making eye-contact with punz for a few seconds before the pair broke out into another chorus of laughter.

"okay." dream tutted, walking round to the left of the car and opening the drivers door. "get in." he ordered, playfully rolling his eyes as he watched his friends falling into the backseat of his car.

after reopening and closing the backdoor to check it had been shut properly, dream climbed into the drivers seat, leaning across to the floor on the passengers side and grabbing a stray white walmart bag. he threw it back, vaguely in the direction of where he thought sapnap was sitting.

"if you're gonna vom again please do it in there," he sternly suggested to his best friend "otherwise you'll be outside all night cleaning up your own sick from the seats of my car."

on that note, dream buckled up, briefly turning to check the two in the back had done the same, which they thankfully had, and shifting fully to face forward, starting the gas and pulling out of the pub carpark.

dream internally groaned as he turned out onto the road, driving in the direction of punz house. it was only a short detour from his and saps own residence but, in all honesty, all the sober boy could focus on was the idea of getting sapnap out his beloved car and in front of their toilet.

the drive was mostly quiet, besides the hum of the car engine and the occasional snigger or giggle from the drunk pair in the back.

after what felt like an eternity, dream pulled into punz' driveway. he turned around, looking over the right side of his chair, leaning his shoulder on the passenger seat in order to balance himself. "you gonna be alright getting in and stuff?" despite his sarcastic tone, dream was genuinely worried about his blonde friend. he seemed too gone to think, let alone get himself safely into bed.

"yuh huh dreamie-" he slurred, cutting himself off with a hiccup and a giggle "-punzy is gon' be aok." he lazily spoke, holding up his right hand into a clumsy OK position.

dream sighed, still mildly concerned, "okay man, just text if you need me alright, i'll undoubtedly be up looking after this mess." the blonde joked, gesturing towards the, now sleeping, ravenette.

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