clubbing with da bois

854 9 24

tw/cw: they're at a club and there is a brief mention of drinking (alcohol)

foolish leaned his chin into the palm of his hand, lightly shaking his head and chuckling at the buzzing boy sitting opposite him.

sam was slightly swinging his body back and forth in his chair, both his legs bouncing in place. "so this is like literally a club?" he excitedly questioned the dark-haired boy in front of him.

"yes sam," foolish responded, playfully rolling his eyes "this is literally a club." he laughed slightly as the boy opposite him snapped his head around, quickly looking around the room to try and take it all in.

"i can't believe i'm in an actual club! honestly, i expected a club to be louder than this." sam thought out loud, speaking with more volume than usual because, despite what he said, the room was actually bustling with noise.

"it would be louder at the front where people dance." foolish explained, clumsily waving his hand in the direction the music was coming from. "back here its a little quieter so people can eat." and, right on queue, a short woman walked up with a small bowl of olives, smiling politely at the boys.

sam leant back, his previous excited stims stopping immediately as he looked up at the lady, "thank you very much." he politely said to the raven haired girl, the two exchanged cheesy smiles before she turned away.

right as she started walking away, sam started to bounce in his seat again, squealing slightly, "oh my gosh foosh, i'm already making friends!" he shouted out.

as if his excitement wasn't already overwhelming enough, sam suddenly snapped up in his seat, smile growing impossibly wider as he looked behind foolish.

the darker haired boy shifted in his seat, turning to see what had caught the others attention. near the front of the club foolish could vaguely see the red of a face mask weaving its way through the crowd of people.

as ponk made his way to the table, he could feel the excited energy radiating off of his best friend. even beyond the dark room and flashing lights he could still see the shine in sam's eyes. he moved to sit in the booth beside the boy, facing foolish.

"ponk! i'm so glad you're finally here, at the club!" the eldest said, swinging his arm over his friends shoulders. "we're in a club!" he repeated shaking his friend slightly, "clubbing with da bois!"

"i know we are sam" he stated matter-of-factly, "unlike you, i have actually been clubbing before." he laughed, flashing a warm smile to foolish as a greeting.

"i'm just so excited!" sam exclaimed, "i'm clubbing right now!!" he gasped out, hugging tighter into ponk's side.

after a few minutes, ponk and foolish slipped into a casual conversation, only stopping briefly when the youngest of the three went to get the group some drinks. the eldest sat, smiling uncontrollably and repeatedly muttering out the same exhilarated phrase, incoherent to the other two.

"i can't believe i'm clubbing."


congratulations!! you just read 497 words!

double posting because this ones short and i felt like you all needed some fluff after the last one.

i can't lie, this is just a dream i had but i replaced myself with foolish. (not me still making up stories in my sleep *insert that crazy, tongue out emoji*)

have a good day/ night!!



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