sprained arm

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tw/cw: injury (sprained arm), brief mentions of the hospital/ emergency room.

the drive home from the emergency was surprisingly comfortable.

of course, skeppy was overcome with guilt, but his bubbly boyfriend didn't seem to mind the fact his arm was tightly compacted into a sling.

to be fair, it was half his fault. sure, zak shouldn't have forced him to get on his back, but if darryl hadn't struggled he wouldn't have ended up with a strained arm.

nevertheless, the two now found themselves in bad's car, skeppy driving for obvious reasons, singing along to taylor swift.

as an apology, zak offered to buy the other mcdonald's, which the brunette was very excited about.

the younger drove round quickly, getting both of their regular orders and paying. he pulled into the carpark so that they could sit and eat in the car instead of waiting to get home.

and, as if skeppy didn't feel bad enough already, he had to watch as his boyfriend struggled to hold and eat his food with only the use of his left arm.

the ravenette winced as he watched the taller boy drop yet another fry, "bad do you want me to help?" he asked kindly, furrowing his eyebrows together.

"no it's okay geppy," he smiled, looking far too handsome for someone who had just sprained their arm "i just need to get used to it."

after another 40 minutes they eventually got home, the nearest hospital being ridiculously far from their house.

it was already dark out and so the pair decided to just get ready for bed and have an early night.

skeppy got all the rubbish out the car while the other made his way upstairs to their bedroom so he could get changed.

after disposing of the trash into the bin outside, the younger also made his way into the house, stopping at the bottom of the stairs to take off his shoes.

their bedroom was directly in front of the staircase upstairs and so, from the bottom of the steps, zak could look up and see the other already in pyjama shorts, groaning slightly as he struggled to put on his shirt.

the shorter watched as bad let out a frustrated sigh, lightly kicking his foot against the wardrobe and taking a deep breathe, clearly trying to hold in his tears.

reluctantly, skeppy made his way up the stairs towards the other.

the stair creaked and zak watched as bad snapped his head to look at the shorter, all previous frustration evaporating from his expression as he smiled warmly.

despite the others kind smile, the raven haired boy could still see the tears rimming his eyes.

"do you want help with your shirt bad?" he offered gently, picking up the material from where the older had thrown it in frustration.

despite his clear discomfort the other simply shook his head slightly, grin still present "oh, no thanks muffin! i don't think i want a shirt tonight."

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