ill, or sick.

388 6 9

tw/cw: eating disorder (bulimia), vomit, medicine

the ravenette coughed out a mouthful of bile- he was long past throwing up any food.

it was bad, and he could feel the burn of his stomach acid flaring up his throat and mouth, but once he started he couldn't stop and he found himself dry heaving onto his fingers.


bad's voice was followed by a gentle tapping on the door, the younger boy immediately pulling away from the toilet bowl and flushing the remains of his lunch. skeppy was quick to haul himself off the floor, looking in the mirror and trying to slap away his sunk-in appearance. he hadn't realised bad was home, and hearing the brunette was sending him into a quick panic.

"you okay skep?" bad's concerned voice only sped up the ravenette's rapidly beating heart, "i heard throwing up."

"i'm good," skeppy croaked, his voice unforgivably hoarse.

"can you open the door?" bad asked gently, trying the handle again, "i can't help much from out here."

skeppy swilled out his mouth with some tap water, washing his hands and splashing some over his flushed face to try suppress the redness. the process didn't make him sad, and he'd gotten used to the pain, but it seemed like crying was just a natural bodily reaction. the ravenette checked himself in the mirror one last time before deciding it would have to do as he twisted open the lock.

the door was quickly pushed open, the brunette stepping in and wrapping his arms firmly around the younger, "are you okay?"

skeppy felt too tired to reply, and he didn't trust his voice to make any coherent words without sounding too scratchy, so he simply hummed affirmatively, reciprocating the hug and burying his head into the taller boy's shoulder.

"why don't we get some medicine in you?" bad suggested, pressing a kiss onto the top of the other's head before stepping away to the bathroom cabinet.

skeppy stood wordlessly in the middle of the bathroom, watching as bad fished out the correct dosage of medicine. he didn't need medicine, and he knew that, but if bad believed that he did then he wasn't going to rid the brunette of his blissed ignorance.

"come get into bed and i'll get some gatorade for you to take them with," he offered, taking skeppy's hand and walking him to the bed. bad's hand was warm, and very appreciated in juxtaposition to the uncomfortable chill that was cursing through skeppy's being. the ravenette slowly sat on the side of the bed, feeling nothing but airy as his mind tried to unscramble the situation.

he didn't even realise that bad had left until he came back with a glass of water and a gatorade in hand. he knew bad was talking but it was all white noise to him. skeppy felt like he was moving in slow motion as bad carefully dropped the tablets into his hand, bringing the water up to help him drink.

"you seem really spaced out skep," bad observed worriedly, dropping down to be in eye line of the younger boy and bringing his hand up to feel the other's forehead. "you don't seem to have a temperature just yet." bad stepped back, putting the water down and handing skeppy the gatorade, "here."

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