she's so nice

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tw/cw: very minor physical aggression, derogatory attitudes/ language towards women.

clay was known to be the fuck boy of the school. he was certainly what you would describe as a "lady's man", tall with fluffy, blonde hair. he didn't have many friends, most of the boys at the school hated him for various reasons, mainly because of his interactions with their girlfriends.

a few years ago, a group of girls at the school had nicknamed the blonde "dream". whether that was because of his looks or the way people aspired to be with him, he didn't know. regardless the name had stuck and even some of the teachers used it now- obviously not for the reasons aforementioned.

it was the end of the day and most of the students had already left. clay was standing in the hallway, just a few feet away from his locker, scrolling mindlessly on his phone when a harsh push against his chest sent him flying back into them.

after recovering from the impact dream looked up to the boy responsible, seeing george standing in front of him.

george, unlike dream, was quite the gentleman. he was just as attractive as the blonde, but he was very different in character.

the blonde scoffed, "what's wrong with you gogy?" he sneered, knowing the nickname would upset the shorter.

"don't call me that." he shot back coldly. "and don't act dumb either clay, you know exactly what you did." george stood tall, still slightly shorter than the other but not by a lot.

"if you're not going to tell me what you're crying over." clay retorted, pushing off the lockers to tauntingly tower over george, "then stop wasting my time." he snapped, reciprocating george's aggressive attitude.

the brunette didn't reply, simply glaring at the other and breathing heavily through his nose.

"listen gogs," the blonde spoke again, "clearly you've got something to say. so, ill be generous enough to give you..." he looked down at his watch, "twenty minutes before i walk through those doors and drive away in my jeep," he stated, gesturing his head towards the front doors of the school.

"for fucks sake." the shorter shouted, punching the locker beside them. "you slept with my fucking girlfriend clay." his face morphed into one of disbelief as he spat out the words, shocked by the others disinterest.

"i did??" dream asked, rhetorically, "oh, i'm sorry man, i didn't know!" he apologized, voice laced with sarcasm.

"don't even start with that bullshit! i was with her for a fucking year clay." george forced the others name out like a slur. it was true, they had dated for just over a year. admittedly though, george left out the part about how they'd discussed breaking up and staying friends. that wasn't the point.

"man, i swear i didn't know!" he repeated, frowning like a lost child, bottom lip pushed out and puppy-eyed. clearly treating the whole situation like it was a joke.

"i don't want to be with someone who's going to cheat on me." george stated emotionless, "me and her spoke about it and i'm over that," he continued, genuine in what he was saying. "what's annoyed me the most is the fact that you treat every girl you get with like a bitch."

dream gasped dramatically, "george!" he choked out, faking shock, "i can't believe you'd use such vulgar language!" the blonde slapped his hand over his heart.

"i'm not going to waste my time talking to you, but i hope you feel bad about what you did. she may be disloyal but she's so nice." he spat before turning his back to dream and beginning to walk away.

he only walked a few paces before stopping, hearing a scoff from behind him. he turned on his heel. glaring at the seemingly amused blonde.

"i might treat her badly," he put air quotes around his last three words, "but she comes back... every time." he taunted. smirking at the brunette down the hall. "she lets me use her body."

george's mouth fell slack, shocked by the others sheer disrespect.

"so yeah," he laughed casually, "maybe i do treat 'er like a bitch."

"fuck you dream." the older retorted, flipping him off, "you're a fucked up guy. no wonder you haven't got any friends." he let his anger get the best of him, "i don't know how you get any girls in the first place. ugly piece of shit." he scowled.

"oh yeah, I'm hideous," the blonde chuckled out sarcastically, "that's why i fucked your girlfriend, you fucking nerd."

the brunette rolled his eyes, turning to walk away again. right before leaving through the doors, he heard another shout. "oh and george."

he turned around a final time, arms crossed, officially done with the conversation.

"next time you go down on her clit, tell me how my dick taste." 


congratulations!! you just read 802 words!

to those of you who aren't as attentive (or simply just don't know the song) this oneshot was based on "she's so nice" by pink guy.

and when i say 'based off', what i really mean is most of the lines are stolen like directly from it. 

anyway... bye.

loves ya.


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