new shampoo

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tw/cw: none??????????

"what are you doing?" karl asks, squinting suspiciously at the ravenette as he walks through the kitchen towards the garage door.

"putting away the ironing board," he replies, shrugging.

"i can see that," karl laughs, "i mean, why is the ironing board out?" he wonders, pushing off the counter he'd been leaning on to stand up straight.

"because i was ironing," sapnap shrugged again. he looked anxious- maybe even guilty.

"you never iron," karl points out sceptically.

"i wanted to do something nice for you," sapnap chirps, disappearing out into the garage.

a short moment passes before sapnap returns, now without the ironing board. karl doesn't say anything, watching silently as sapnap gets out a glass and fills it with water.

karl's eyebrows furrow as the drink is placed in front of him. "what's this?" he asked.

"water," sapnap answered with a laugh.

"i know that, idiot," karl playfully rolls his eyes, reaching out to playfully slap his husband's arm, "why have you given it to me?"

"in case you are thirsty," sapnap replies, "why? would you rather something else? i can make you a coffee if you like?"

"no, i'm fine," karl declines, picking up the glass of cool water and taking a long, refreshing sip. he hadn't realised how thirsty he actually was.

no more words are exchanged as sapnap turns, exits the kitchen and heads off down the hall, leaving karl with nothing but his thoughts and a glass of water.

sapnap makes his way down the hall, recapping the routine he'd planned through in his mind-

laundry, ironing, [new addition: give karl water], empty the bins, tidy bathrooms (and bedroom if you have time and karl is distracted), run karl a bath, make wraps for dinner (even if you want tacos, make wraps, karl prefers wraps (even if karl says tacos are okay, ignore him.)), watch karl's fave show, bedtime.


karl heads up the stairs with a groan. he storms into their bedroom, "will you stop shouting my name?" he begins to scold, "if you want to talk to me, you should come and fi-" karl cuts himself off when he sees the state of the room.

the whole room was spotless, all tidied and cleaned. and not just was the bed well made, there was even clean bedsheets. and to top it all off, sapnap was sitting in the middle of the bed with his pyjama trousers on, topless.

karl grins at the sight. "this looks nice," he compliments, "you have been busy!"

"go look at the bathroom," sapnap chirps excitedly.

karl raises his eyebrows, excited. he turns, heading over to their en-suite.

as soon as he pulls open their door, he is hit with the smell of vanilla and a lovely, steamy heat. he looks around the room, gaze trailing over the mass of lit candles scattered around before landing on the bubble bath. he genuinely gasps.

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