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241 9 23

tw/cw: blood, self-harm (cutting/ implied burning)

punz abruptly sat up from his place on the floor- was that the front door?

he heard his worst nightmare come true when the sound of sapnap dropping his bag echoed through the house- why is he home early?

the blond boy quickly scrambled to pull himself off the floor, grabbing his blade and lighter in the process.

he dropped the lighter back in its usual place beside the sandalwood candle on their bedside cabinet, momentarily dropping the blade beside it to pull his hoodie on.

punz tightened the strings on the neck, straightening himself out, all while listening anxiously to the creak of their stairs.

he grabbed the blade off of the table simultaneously to the bedroom door swinging open- sapnap stood there with a tired smile.

the ravenette sluggishly made his way over, lazily dropping his arms over the taller boy's shoulders with a muffled, "hey love."

punz loosely wrapped his arms around the other, extremely cautious of the blade laying in his fist.

"hug me proper," sapnap wined, moving to his tiptoes to tighten his grip around the other's neck

punz squeezed the ravenette with his right arm, flattening his palm against the other's back and rubbing it up and down, dipping it down under the other's shirt to draw shapes onto his bare skin.

his left arm stayed turned away from the shorter boy, grip tight around the blade so there was no chance of him dropping it, or worse, sapnap seeing it.

the ravenette hummed contently, comfortably leaning his cheek against the taller boy's shoulder and melting into the touch.

"are you tired?" the blond asked, feeling the other nod into the embrace, "why don't you get into bed?" he suggested.

sapnap, with great difficulty, shook his head- quick to disagree, "no," he mumbled, "wanna stay up with you."

punz subconsciously tightened his grip on the blade, the tight hold starting to burn a bit.

after his hard day, he also would like to stay up with his boyfriend, but it would be helpful for the ravenette to kindly fuck off for just a minute so he could hide the metal.

"okay baby," he responded, "why don't we cuddle and watch tv?"

"in bed?"

punz was hoping they'd go downstairs- or more specifically sapnap would- but he presumed the bed would have to do.

"yeah, we can cuddle in bed," he agreed, pulling away from the hug and catching eyes with the shorter boy.

he moved his right hand up, pushing some of sapnap's hair behind his ear with a sweet smile, "handsome boy," he muttered, watching the ravenette's cheeks blush dark red.

"stop it," he mumbled, hitting the other's hand away with a shy head shake.

punz leaned forward, the two sharing a quick kiss, before straightening up, "get into comfier clothes and get into bed," he told the shorter boy, "i just need to piss real quick."

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