a competition

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tw/cw: eating disorders (anorexia, fainting, starving, etc.)

"ugh i feel so light-headed," karl complains, bringing his hand up to hold the side of his head. he blinks slowly, as if he's adjusting to the sensations in his mind.

"maybe you haven't eaten enough?" dream says worriedly, looking over at the discord, obviously concerned for his friend.

"i haven't eaten at all," karl confesses, leaning back in his spinning gaming chair with a hefty sigh.

and, all of a sudden, it feels like a competition to dream.

like the gum he'd chewed and the ice he swallowed that morning to tide him over were too much.

karl didn't eat anything, so he shouldn't've eaten anything.

"maybe you should go get something to eat?" dream suggests. because then you would've eaten more than me, and i'll be doing worse, i'll be struggling more.

"yeah, i will once i've finished this," karl agrees, attention shifting onto his second monitor as he continues with the script he'd been working on for the upcoming tales from the smp episode.

"promise?" dream asks hopefully.

karl laughs, fondly shaking his head at the blond. "yeah, dream, i promise," he assures. "don't worry about it, it's just my adhd making me forgetful," he shrugs.

"okay, good."

when the call ends, dream beelines down to his kitchen.

he stops in the doorway, taking a deep breath.

if he can't have self-restraint, he'll have to create some.

the blond gets to work quickly, emptying every last thing they had in their cabinets, pantry and fridge onto the kitchen counters.

he starts sorting through it.

first, he throws away anything that sapnap doesn't like. because if sapnap doesn't eat it, he won't notice it's gone.

and, when he has to get out a new bin bag after filling the first, he smiles.

then, he goes out to the garage to grab an old cardboard box, dragging it through the house and into the kitchen. he starts putting all of their unhealthy snacks into it, piling them in until it was almost overflowing and the counter was nearly clear.

if there were no snacks, he wouldn't be able to eat them.

he carries the box up the stairs, ignoring how his mind seems to spin with every step.

he puts the box down at the end of sapnap's bed, smiling to himself.


dream quickly makes his way back downstairs, putting the few remaining food items back into their correct place: some low-calorie pasta, some veg, tinned soup, apples.

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