did he notice?

333 5 24

tw/cw: scars, suggested eating disorder + self harm

when george moved to florida to live with sapnap and dream there were a few things he noticed about the pair that he hadn't previously realised over their online friendship

firstly, sapnap was in love with himself. which isn't a bad thing, and it makes sense considering the other's undeniable physical attractiveness, but he seemed to spend more time in front of mirrors than he did doing anything else.

which amused the brunette.

dream, on the other hand, seems to avoid mirrors like the plague.

george guessed it must natural to the blond and the raven due to the fact that neither of them seemed to react.

but george noticed that dream walked around the house in a way that meant he never even looked in the direction of any mirrors, even if that meant walking awkwardly sideways down the stairs.

initially, george thought to question it, but after thinking about it one night he decided against that, realising he may just be overthinking unintentional behaviour.

another thing george noticed is that neither of the boys could cook anything.

the brit seriously questioned how they ever lived before he moved in with them, considering he had cooked every meal since he arrived (par any they ordered.)

and, on the topic of food, he also took note of the fact that the blonde didn't seem to have much of an appetite. it wasn't he was starving himself but he definitely didn't eat enough, especially for a boy his with his height and build.

this was yet another thing that george contemplated talking to the other about- before remembering he had only been there for a few months and didn't want to overstep any unspoken boundaries the other boys had.

in his time in america, george also discovered that sapnap has some form of extreme anxiety.

sadly, the brunette was not told about this, and he had to find out the hard way.

dream had been out shopping when he walked in on the ravenette, cuddled up on the floor of his room, hyperventilating.

which, for obvious reasons, was very concerning for the older boy.

that night they had a serious chat. sapnap explained his panic attack to george as well as coming out to him as gay- which was arguably more shocking.

on a less heavy note, another thing he noticed was that sapnap was deeply in love with his car.

like, he genuinely had some undeniable connection with this piece of metal that he viewed as his child or something.

unlike some of the other things, george did mention this, and used the knowledge as material to make fun of the younger boy.

much like nicks obsession with his car, george discovered that dream was in love with their pool -which, by the way, george didn't know they had until arriving.

the blond boy cleaned the pool every few days, always making sure it was perfect quality.

however, despite dream's love for the pool, they had yet to swim in it. the american boy's kept claiming the weather wasn't hot enough yet (even though george found himself sweating after doing something as simple as walking down the stairs.)

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