it's called being mentally unstable

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tw/cw: mentions of- anxiety, depression, panic attacks, unhealthy eating, self-harm (cutting), scars, hospital

dream's mental health had never been good.

he wasn't diagnosed with anything specific, but he had lots of tendencies that would be linked to anxiety and depression.

he frequently had panic attacks -one in particular being so bad that he had ended up in hospital- and he had a rough past with self-harm.

his thighs and the upper halves of his arms were covered in cuts, some old and scarred, some regretfully new.

along with the aforementioned, the blonde's eating tendencies were, say, irregular. he would go a couple of days without eating and then only eat spaghetti bolognese for the next week. it's like he got hyper-fixed on certain foods.

dreams day had been average- he'd been to school, come home, played minecraft, and now he was getting ready for an early night.

okay, that's a lie.

it was 1am and the blond boy was in his pyjamas but he had no actual intention to sleep, in fact, he was on a walk.

he had no particular destination in mind (except planning to pop into a gas station) he was really just walking to clear his mind.

if you were out that night you would've probably been concerned- a 6'3" floridian walking down the street in his pjs, crying his eyes out, is not something you expect to see.

or maybe it is? i mean it's florida, you never know.

he made it to the gas station, only wanting some monster to keep him up and some gum to help pass over his hunger from not eating.

however, as he walked through the isles, pretending not to know what he was getting, he found his gaze lingering over the hair dye.

he had light blonde hair so, realistically, any dye would work without messing up.

deep down he knew that he was only even remotely considering this because of the mental breakdown he was in the process of having.

i mean, what if dying his hair would solve all his life problems?


okay, it didn't solve his problems BUT, he did look undeniably hot with dark brown hair.

realistically, his hair was black, but he found that describing it as dark brown made the change feel less overwhelming.

after having a shower and getting re-dressed into his nightclothes he finally went to bed, only getting about two hours sleep before having to wake up for school- and even then he was certainly going to be late.

when he went into the bathroom to brush his teeth he nearly screamed, slapping his hand over his mouth in shock- he had forgotten about the hair.

yet, seeing it again in natural daylight, he still looked hot asf. like hot, hot. like damn.

he decided to wear blue baggy jeans and an oversized black t-shirt, popping on a few chains to top it off.

despite feeling like a sexy bitch, he was overwhelmed with stress when walking into school. he was so late that he had missed his first few lessons, which wasn't an issue because he just had free study periods anyway.

he went straight to the lunch hall, walking over to his friend's table with as much confidence as he could muster- because confidence is attractive.

none of them saw him coming over until he sat down, all heads turning to him.

"hello," he spoke casually, smiling shyly.

"i uh- hi clay." karl responded, not making eye contact with the boy as his gaze stayed fixated on his newly raven locks. "i like your hair," he added.

"thanks, karl!" dream beamed, relieved about the positive response.

"it looks very pog," george added, smiling widely at the younger, "it frames your face nicely."

he smiled in response, flinching slightly when a hand suddenly touched his shoulder.

"who's this?" sapnap asked from behind him, the taller boy turning to smile at him.

the other boy's eyes widened in shock, a grin cutting across his face, "well, hello there," he pretended to flirt, "when did this happen?" the natural ravenette asked.

"last night," the other responded, looking up at the standing boy, "it was a mid-mental-breakdown decision," he explained, pushing some of his hair behind his ear.

"i like it," sapnap complimented genuinely, patting the other's head.

dream swatted the hand away, playfully glaring at him, "i'm not a dog."

the shorter boy ignored his friend's complaints, sitting down next to him and smirking to himself, "always knew you wanted to look like me."

tiny angst, more fluffy i think

congratulations!! you just read 742 words!

super short one just cause i thought it was a fun idea :]

i love u reader


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