4,397 miles never felt further

303 5 25

tw/cw: hair pulling, light-headedness

george had just ended his live after streaming some simple minecraft with the dream team.

much like usual, sapnap left the call almost immediately after ending, wishing the pair a quick goodnight before heading off.

it wasn't rare that the other two would stay on call later -sitting peacefully in each other's silent presence- getting on with their own stuff.

conversation was sparse during these calls, but whenever there was a quiet exchange of words it usually consisted of george complaining about his editing until dream did it for him.

today, however, something else was plaguing the brunette's thoughts.

"dream?" he spoke quietly, looking up at the discord and watching the ring around the blondes profile picture light up as he responded.

"what is it gog's?" the younger asked tiredly, not having the energy to do any extra editing today.

"do you ever think about-" the brunette cut himself off, "never mind."

dream sat up in his chair, concerned expression flashing over his features in response to how the other had shut himself down.

"think about what?" he urged the other to continue.

"it's silly clay, forget it."

now dream was really intrigued. the older boy hardly ever used his name, only ever when he was being scolded. "you can ask me anything george." he spoke gently.

the brunette sighed quietly and dream watched as he hung his head back on his chair, eyes flicking up to the roof before squeezing shut. silence flooded the call, drowning both of the boys.

dream watched as george spoke, so quietly that his mic didn't even pick it up. "i couldn't hear that gogy," he informed the other, "say it again?" the request came out rushed and embarrassingly desperate.

he heard the brunette groan before dragging his head back to look at the call, eyes scanning over dreams profile picture as he spoke quietly, "do you ever think about when we meet for the first time?"

dream laughed at the others hesitation to ask such a simple question, "of course i do." he answered honestly, smiling warmly even though george couldn't see him.


"all the time." the blonde laughed back, amused by the shock in the others voice, what had he expected him to say? no?

quite settled over the pair and dream watched as george furrowed his eyebrows and bit his lip, clearly thinking about something.

the blonde was about to ask what was on his mind, but he beat him to it, "what kind of stuff do you think we'll do?" he asked, and dream watched as he shyly looked up at the discord call.

the younger boy hummed, pretending he had to think about it like the subject wasn't constantly on his mind. "i like to imagine we'd stay up to some ridiculous time every night."

"doing what?" the brunette asked quietly, speaking quickly like he was scared of the conversation.

"just chilling," the younger boy spoke, "probably have a dance party to wilbur's music." he laughed.

the shorter boy giggled lightly at the thought.

as the amusement died down dream watched the others face fall, clearly trying to hold back a frown.

"i don't want to wait any longer." he spoke so sadly that the blond felt physically pained by it.

"it won't be long now george." he tried to reassure, "covid isn't really an issue now, we just need to wait for your visa."

"we always 'just need to wait'." he muttered, looking down at his lap.

no words were spoken for a moment, the blonde not knowing what he could possibly say to comfort the other, clearly unhappy, boy.

"oh well," george spoke, sitting up and smiling, "not much we can do about it." he shrugged.

the taller boy was shocked at the others sudden change in demeanour, noting how clearly fake the smile plastered on his face was.

"george." he spoke gently, "if you ever want to talk about anyth-"

"yeah, yeah," the brunette cut him off, "i know, i can talk to you." he continued, finishing the others sentence, "i'm good dream i was just thinking, don't make it deep." the older joked, paired with a horribly forced smile.

clay sighed sadly at how the other boy suppressed his feelings so easily "okay but george seriousl-".

"oh, sorry to interrupt clay but i've got to go," he spoke quickly, "tommy is calling me." the lie feel so easily off his tongue as he ended the call, not even wasting any time exchanging goodbyes.

he had been holding it in since the conversation started and immediately after his computer made a noise to say he had left the discord he pushed his head into his hands and burst into tears.

not just, a few little tears. no, the brunette was choking out embarrassingly loud sobs.

searching for some kind of comfort he quickly stood, feeling himself go dizzy momentarily, but chose to pay no attention to it as he made his way over to collapse into his bed.

he weaved his hands into his hair, pulling it at the roots in some desperate attempt to rip his thoughts out of his head.

ignoring the desperate sound of his phone buzzing with texts he pushed his head into his pillow, biting it to try stop the loud sobs that were echoing through his room.

he knew he had friends in england.

he knew they would be there for him at the drop of a hat.

he knew that if he was to message tommy or wilbur they would come immediately, no questions asked.

but he had still never felt so alone.

little fluff, angst

congratulations!! you just read 935 words!

having online friends is the best and worst thing ever


ily all


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