my girlfriend

419 5 19

tw/cw: domestic abuse, physical violence, derogatory language/ attitudes towards women, mentions creepy men in clubs and stuff

disclaimer: niki and jack's relationship is platonic and they don't like shipping- please don't make any comments about their interactions in this one-shot in a romantic way.

jack and niki have been going on weekly date nights for around a year now. platonically, of course.

and usually, they would be quite civilised, frequenting cafés for brunch or going to art classes. but on this particular week niki, quite spontaneously, decided she wanted to go 'out out'.

jack dismissed the idea initially but, after some convincing, he eventually agreed to go to a bar, not even contemplating the idea of clubbing.

the pair got ready together, jack doing niki's hair, and made their way out to a nearby bar.

the blonde girl had wanted to go further out into the centre of town but jack really wasn't fond on the idea of going all the way out, which she of course respected.

jack wasn't a big clubbing guy, don't misunderstand, he loved a party, but the strangers and creepy old men just made him uncomfortable.

the reason he was so implicit about not going is because he hated the way the weird men would look at niki. even if he didn't know niki personally he still wouldn't allow them to try and make moves on her or hold her inappropriately as they danced. but he did know her, and they weren't just strangers, she was his best friend and he would protect her with everything in him. it fueled him with rage every time some weirdo looked at her with those eyes of want.

he hated it, that's why he was so adamant not to go out.

jack had pretended to be his best friend's boyfriend on a countless numbers of occasions because the creeps would respect a random man before they would respect the girl they were approaching.

niki had thanked him multiple times for looking out for her, which annoyed him, because she shouldn't thank him? it's such basic human decency. he's not some saint for being respectful. the bar was too low for men and that just annoyed jack.

the night went quite well, the bar they went to wasn't too busy and most of the people there were young couples or groups of friends so it wasn't awful.

they hadn't drunk lots, just a few shots and a cute cocktail or two, it was actually fairly nice.

the two got ready to leave, and made their way outside.

jack wrapped a protective arm around niki's shoulder, ready to walk her home through london at night.

after only a few steps the pair's attention was bought across the street to the sound of shouting. upon looking, they saw a tall black haired man stood beside a short brunette girl, quite aggressively shouting.

"you're my fucking girlfriend." he spat, emphasising the word 'my' like she was some object that belonged to him.

at that, jack stopped, niki obviously stopping too as a result of the arm around her.

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