
333 5 15

tw/cw: second-hand embarrassment, panic

"move your fucking leg," sapnap spat, kicking his heel back into dream's shin with an annoyed groan.

dream moved his leg, glaring at the back of sapnap's head, "this is my bed, sapnap. if you're going to complain just go and sleep on the couch."

sapnap shifted to look back at the blond, shooting him a cold look. "you're the reason my bed is broken. this is the least you can do."

dream eye's widened, eyebrows shooting up in surprise, "i'm the reason?" he repeated. sapnap nodded surely. "sapnap, you tried to get me to push a queen bed up the stairs, without any help. that isn't my fault."

"you dropped it!"

"you didn't help!"

"whatever," sapnap huffed, dropping back down against the pillows and snuggling deeper into the warm sheets. "still your fault," he mumbled under his breath. dream rolled his eyes, lightly shaking his head before also relaxing back into his pillows.

"goodnight, love you," dream mumbled. his best friend was an annoying shit, but dream never slept on an argument, even if it wasn't serious-

-and sapnap knew that. "love you too, bro."

a peaceful silence settled over the pair, both boys slowly succumbing to sleep.

dream woke up, desperate for a piss. to the point where he had to cup his dick to relieve the pressing pain.

he quickly got out of the bed, careful not to wake his best friend while rushing to the toilet. he shut the bathroom door behind him before switching on the light (sapnap was a deep sleeper, but he still couldn't help but worry the bright bulb would wake the other.)

dream turned to the toilet, moving so quickly it was like the mirror blurred over as he looked past it. he pulled down his pyjama pants just enough to free himself from the restraints, shuffling forward to aim into the toilet bowl and finally let go.

it was a surprisingly satisfying piss, and his body started to feel warm as he relaxed into the feeling.

then, his body started to feel too warm.

dream squirmed slightly at the warm feeling, blinking his eyes open to the dark room where he lay.

he shuffled up onto his elbow, feeling the unmissable sensation of his pyjama pants sticking to the skin of his legs.

all anxiety dream had ever experienced multiplied tenfold. he couldn't swallow the lump in his throat and his eyes and nose began to burn with unshed tears.

he just pissed the bed. with sapnap in it.

and what's worse, the ravenette was still asleep, blissfully unaware of the warm liquid pooling below him where the bed dipped.

the first tear slipped as dream shook his best friend's shoulder, trying to keep his voice stable, "sapnap. sapnap."

the ravenette grunted, rolling over onto his back towards dream. the blond couldn't help but wince at the wet noise. sapnap eye's started to drift open, his brows furrowed in discomfort, "dream?" sapnap sat up slightly at the sight of his friend's tearful expression, subsequently becoming aware of the wet feeling surrounding him. the ravenette's gaze snapped down to the sheets, a dark patch visible on the comforter. "what-"

"i'm so sorry," dream apologised, breath hitching, "sapnap, please, i-i'm so sorry. this hasn't happened in so long and i guess i was anxious or something and i didn't even realise but i- i'll clean it all, i'll- i- i'm so sorry," he rambled, tears free flowing.

dream's whole body was shaking, but he felt frozen in fear, and embarrassment, and anxiety.

"woah, dream, slow down," sapnap replied, sleep-hazed mind finally catching up to what had happened. "let's uh, let's get out of the bed yeah?"

dream nodded weakly, breathing shallow as they both climbed out of the bed on opposite sides. the bed looked a mess, and dream only had to look up for a split second to see how the material of sapnap's pants and the bottom of his shirt was darkened. the blond stepped back, his back hitting the wall before he collapsed down against the floor, legs bending up to cover himself. he pulled himself into an embrace, sobbing into his knees. "i'm so sorry."

"dream stop," sapnap spoke comfortingly, quickly moving around to sit by his friend, "it's okay. i'm not- i'm not mad," he assured. dream just shook his head into his knees, closing in on himself more. "please dream, i promise it's okay. everyone has... accidents."

sapnap felt like he'd been thrown straight into the deep end. he'd never had to deal with something like this, and now his friend was sitting on the bedroom floor having a borderline panic attack over pissing on him.

"i'm so sorry," dream repeated, voice muffled, "i'm sorry, i'm sorry."

"i'm not upset, or angry, or anything like that," sapnap tried to convince him, wrapping an arm around the other's shoulder. dream leant into the touch and sapnap took it as a good sign. "you're okay, dream," he spoke softly, "i'll never bring this up, to anyone."

"really?" dream spoke quietly, lifting his head to make eye contact with the ravenette over his knees.

"really." he nodded, "i promise."

dream nodded, muttering a tiny, "thank you," through his tears.

sapnap wanted, more than anything, to stay and comfort his friend but- "do you think we could get cleaned up?" sapnap asked, biting his lip, "i promise i'm not upset, but i would like to get changed and maybe have a quick shower if you'll be okay by yourself."

"yeah, it's fine," dream replied, still curled up on himself, "i'll stay here and change the sheets." dream was still crying, and his words were breathless. his voice was sad and weak and it made sapnap's heart hollow.

"no, i'll do that." dream was about to protest before sapnap spoke again, "imagine we switched position, you wouldn't let me clean it after panicking like that. let me do it, yeah?"

dream seemed to think for a moment before eventually nodding, sniffling quietly.

"come on," sapnap urged, standing up and holding a hand out to the blond, "let me run you a bath."

idfk it's piss

congratulations!! you just read 1021 words!

short one...

i honestly don't know what this is, i just wanted to write sapnap comforting dream and this was the first thing that came to mind because #pissbaby.


i love u


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