hate is a strong word, regardless how appropriate

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tw/cw: none?

'hate's a strong word!'

okay, and? sometimes it is the right one.

and jack was a generally nice guy, he tried to stay mutual with everyone and not get involved in drama.

jack wasn't a hater.

but god, did he hate niki nihachu.

they used to be in the same friend group, but they were never really close friends. it was a big group, so it wasn't like everyone was super close.

the group split up when they all moved into senior year -breaking up into three smaller parts- like closer circles.

there was jack's new group- him, george, clay, noah and karl.

then there was the second group, who they were still fairly close with- charlie, ted and tommy.

and then, the final remaining four- wilbur, toby, cara... and niki.

the group's divide was natural, there was no hard feeling caused. the arguments only began a few months after.

and to start with, jack didn't have a problem with niki- no, to start with, wilbur was the problem.

jack (a nice guy) tried to stay impartial. he tried to avoid his distaste. but wilbur was just so fucking annoying.

he ignored the short jokes.

he ignored the incessant singing.

he ignored the stupid, perfect outfits.

he ignored how loud wilbur was in lessons.

he ignored how he got a new girlfriend every week.

he ignored all of it.

but he couldn't ignore the brunette's stupid fucking bald jokes.

haha, yeah, funny.

jack didn't mind the odd joke from his friends, but when you are nothing more than a distant acquaintance, you have absolutely no right to make fun of his beautiful, shiny head.

it became officially too much when wilbur would slap the back of his head every. single. time. they saw each other and shout, "i like ya' cut g!"

like, what the fuck does that even mean?

but he didn't hate wilbur.

no, no. you can't hate someone over a few playful jokes.

do you know what you can hate someone for?

laughing at the stupid jokes as if they're the funniest thing in the world.

okay... maybe it was a bit of an extreme reason to HATE someone.

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