lets eat

384 6 13

tw/cw: depictions and talk about unhealthy eating/ ed, fainting

he was so embarrassed when he came to.

laying on the floor of his school's football field, his four best friends surrounded him, looking down with a range of various expressions.

he couldn't quite read their faces until the clouded haze he was in gradually parted, and his vision cleared over. the first person he fully saw was george, who was standing directly behind where his head had fallen, looking down on the fluffy-haired boy with a look that could only be described as confusion. following the arm that was wrapped around the brits shoulder, his vision shifted leftwards to clay, the blond of the group, who's features mirrored that of his boyfriend. rolling his neck slightly to the right, he saw alex, the shortest of the group, who was smirking slightly as if he was trying not to laugh but his eyes were filled with worry.

finally, he regained the strength in his body to sit up, leaning his arms onto the floor  behind him to help stable himself. after sitting, he shook his head slightly at an attempt to stop the ringing in his ears before looking forward to see the concerned face of his best friend squatting in front of him.

nick shifted slightly, moving one of his hands to press a gentle squeeze onto the leg of the boy on the floor in front of him before speaking gently, "jeez karl you scared the shit out of us. you okay?"

it wasn't the first time karl had fainted, but it was the first time he had fainted in front of his friends, which, for obvious reasons, was a scenario he had aspired to avoid.

"yeah 'm good, just slipped." he tested his luck with the lie, trying not to obviously cringe at the way his words were slightly slurred.

nick broke eye contact with karl, looking behind the brunettes head, susceptibly to george or clay before focusing back down to the boy in front of him. "karl, you've been out for a couple of minutes. you didn't just fall over." the care laced in his voice was enough to make karl's blood churn, he didn't want to be cared for, he was fine.

"oh weird," he responded carelessly, voice sounding much more normal than previously, "anyway, we should probably make our way to next lesson, lunch is over and we'll be late if we sit around here waiting for the grass to grow." karl laughed lightly, trying to lighten the mood and redirect his friends attention to anything other than what had just happened.

none of the boys said anything, opting instead to silently watch as karl begun  reaching for his bag, momentarily attempting to lift himself to his feet, stumbling slightly before collapsing forward into nick.

the group let out a chorus of mixed curses.

lucky for the karl, the ravenette had outstretched his arms quick enough to catch the taller boy, immediately pulling him tightly into an embrace and lowering them from the awkward squat to sit on the floor.

alex moved to bend down next to karl, his previous expression had been dropped and replaced with a frown, eyebrows pulled together. "karlos man, when was the last time you ate?" he asked quietly, trying not to cause too much of a scene knowing he was the only one karl had confided in with his eating problems.

karl dropped his head, focusing his gaze down onto nicks shirt. "i can't remember." he muffled out honestly, squeezing his eyes shut to prepare himself for the impending disappointment of his friends.

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