
259 8 11

tw/cw: unhealthy eating, eating disorder, hair loss

bad had already been staying at quackity's for three weeks before noticing he hadn't seen the boy without his beanie on. this may seem like a shock but, honestly, bad hadn't even thought anything of it.

when you get so used to seeing someone in a certain way you grow so accustomed to it that it just becomes normal.

the boys had separate rooms, both with en-suite bathrooms, and so, realistically, there was no occasion when the younger wouldn't be wearing a hat.

another observation bad made was of quackity's disinterest in food. it wasn't just that he wasn't interested, it was almost like he actively avoided even talking about eating. this had initially worried the older and so, for the first few days, he observed his friends attitudes and behaviour.

after seeing that the ravenette was in fact happy and didn't seem to be malnourished or abnormally tired, he concluded that it wasn't something he should stress himself over and that his previous concern was possibly a bit extreme for not being together for very long.

 i mean, who's to say the younger wasn't just nervous?

however, this changed when quackity came into the lounge late one night, when bad had presumed him to be asleep.

he looked tired and as though he had been crying, but this wasn't what had caught bad's attention, no. rather, the feature that made bad's jaw drop open in shock was the lack of a beanie and, more specifically, the other's hair.

the younger's hair was shockingly thin, and, around his scalp, bad could even spot a couple of bald patches.

"alex?" bad questioned quietly, causing the other to snap his head in the direction of the voice.

"shit." quackity swore, bad having to actively hold back the urge to say 'language!' "jeez bad you scared me." the older breathed out into the dark, moving his hand to gently rest over his heart.

"oh, i'm sorry muffin." he apologised genuinely, a frown growing on his face as he caught onto the other's sad expression, subtly looking back at quackity's hair, or lack thereof.

silence settled over the two for a few moments before quackity took note of where the other was looking, becoming hyper-aware of his own lack of head covering. he made knowing eye contact with bad, seeing the other's eyes lightly pooling with tears.

bad tried to keep in his tears, really he did, but it was a sorry sight and he couldn't help but assume the worst. "what happened?" he asked gently, watching as quackity shifted to look at the floor.

bad abruptly stood up, speaking quickly at the sudden realisation of how rude his question was- "i- i'm so sorry q, i never should have asked that, oh my goodness i'm so sor-"

"i have an eating disorder." the shorter whispered out, his own tears now threatening to cascade down his face. 

"it's not really bad anymore," he continued, trying to fill in the silence when bad didn't respond, "i have a therapist and things, but they said it'd probably take a while for my hair to grow back properly." he paused and took a deep breath before muttering a hardly audible "if it ever does."

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