bathing in guilt

324 9 20

tw/cw: self-harm scars, sexism(?)

it was like a magnetic pull.

an unseeable force urging him into the woman's section.

sapnap had never been one for stereotypically feminine things, but for some reason, in this particular shop, he couldn't help but look.

the dresses looked so pretty.

he felt unnatural, like some kind of wrongen, as he walked towards a short blue dress.

it felt just as delicate as it looked, the flowy material slipping through his fingers like liquid.

he shifted his gaze to the side, seeing a mannequin in a short skirt and blindly walked towards it.

he stopped at the rack of skirts, their description being marked out as 'skater.'

skater skirts. interesting. sapnap liked skating.

though he's sure there was no real link between his hobby and the name he couldn't help but see it as a sign.

he ran delicate fingers along the contents of the rail, his fingertips dancing gently along each skirt, feeling how the silk felt like heaven.

they were so pretty.

sapnap thought he would look pretty in one too.

"are you going to get one," a familiar voice spoke from behind him, a voice belonging to the boy he had come shopping with, his boyfriend's voice.

he turned to face the other, forcing an easy smile, "i was just looking for my mum," he lied, walking away from the rack and towards the brunette.

"are you sure?" karl asked, snaking his arms around the ravenette's waist.

he replied, "yeah i'm sure," with a laugh like what karl was saying was stupid.

but karl could see the look in the other's eyes even when he was meters across the shop.

"that's a shame," the brunette pouted, looking towards the red silk, "you would've looked hot."

the younger boy blew some amused air out his nose, also looking toward them, "i don't think it's socially acceptable for me to wear a skirt," he joked, immediately regretting the words that slipped past his lips.

karl frowned, "clothes don't have a gender sap," he started, expression looking borderline disappointed.


yeah, okay.

sapnap hadn't been talking about gender.

the thought hadn't even crossed his mind.

but he regretted what he said.

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