the mattress incident

378 8 17

tw/cw: none????

sapnap sent karl his eta when he got in the taxi at the airport, refusing to let the brunette drive out to get him in the dark.

karl was so excited to have sapnap staying round that he had forgotten the other boy would need a place to sleep. the spare room was prepared, except for the fact that the queen bed was missing it's mattress, which karl had lazily left in the garage when he moved houses.

this realisation suddenly dawned on karl when he got a simple text from sapnap reading "10 mins away!!"

he practically launched himself off the couch and towards the garage.

the mattress was very heavy and unsurprisingly difficult for karl to drag around the house, but it was going okay... until the stairs.

not just was he having to singlehandedly drag a mattress up the stairs but this particular staircase had an awkward bend half way up and, upon reaching it, karl got the mattress stuck, wedged securely between the wall and the banister.

he sighed, about to admit defeat when he heard the ring of his doorbell, meaning sapnap was here.

he was overjoyed to see his best friend, about to run down and swing the door open, diving into the others arms- then he realised the problem.

he was stuck halfway up the stairs, with an extra thick, queen sized mattress blocking his way.

"the doors unlocked sap just let yourself in." he shouted down the stairs, praying to all things good that the other would hear.

thankfully, the door swung open and sapnap stepped in, dragging his suitcase behind him. "you shouldn't leave your door unlocked karl," he shouted, clearly thinking the brunette was upstairs or in the bathroom, "you never know what creeps will just let themselves in."

"well, you apparently." the taller boy responded from the stairs, pulling a shriek from the other as he jumped.

"fuck me karl!" he laughed, "i didn't realise you were there."

"i mean if you insist." karl joked, leaning against the wall.

sapnap turned, shoes and coat now removed, to fully face the other. he looked up the stairs, making brief eye contact before dragging his eyes to the mattress, looking at it for a while before looking back to karl again. "what the heck are you doing?" he questioned, laughing slightly.

the taller laughed, "i was trying to prepare your bed but the stupid thing got stuck". he responded, kicking the mattress to emphasise his point.

"oh you silly bitch." the ravenette chuckled to himself, walking up the bottom few stairs before looking back up to his friend. "well then, we should probably try unwedge this bad boy." he suggested slapping the edge of the mattress.

"don't bring bad into this." karl jokily warned, before moving to hold onto the top of the mattress again. "after three you push, i pull, got it?"

"yes sir." the ravenette responded, quickly saluting up to the taller before leaning the side of his body against the cushioning, ready to put his whole strength into it.

"okay innnn one, two, three, push!" the fluffy haired boy exclaimed, tugging on the mattress.

sapnap leant his whole body weight onto the mattress, clearly overestimating how stuck it was as it suddenly jolted up the stairs, leaving him falling onto the steps and clumsily sliding down back to the hallway floor.

on impact, sapnap suddenly felt a sharp pain in his ass, shouting a gracious "fuck" before hearing his best friend erupt into a chorus of laughter above him.

"oh my g-" he tried to speak before cutting himself off with more hysterics. "sapnap that was the funniest thing i've ever-" the brunette tried to speak again.

he covered his hand over his mouth to try and suppress his uncontrollable giggling as the shorter glared up at him from the floor below. 


congratulations!! you just read 644 words!

once again, this is just me writing out a dream i had...

love youuuuuuuuu


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