one month

324 8 29

tw/cw: self-harm (cutting), 'i am sober' app, urges (sh), this whole chapter is about trying to stay self-harm sober- so tw for anything surrounding that (relapse/ counting how long you've been sober etc.)

three days

karl had been self-harm sober for three days.

that's a big deal

his sober streak hadn't been this long in over four months.

usually, he didn't like talking about his cutting. he preferred to pretend it wasn't happening. but he was just so happy with himself.

"three days?" the ravenette repeated excitedly, "karl baby that's amazing i'm so proud of you."

'proud'... that made him feel good

five days

two more days added to the tally.

this is the point where he would count cutting again as a 'relapse'.

the length of what counts as relapsing is obviously subjective, but karl had made real, genuine progress by going this long and he wasn't going to belittle it.

"sap?" he spoke quietly, rolling over in their bed.

"yes love?" he whispered in response, stroking a gentle hand along the taller boy's cheek.

"i'm five days sober," he confessed, grinning into the darkness of their room.

he felt sapnap pull him into his embrace, practically suffocating the older boy in a hug.

"that's so fucking impressive," he replied, voice muffled into the other's hair, "you amaze me every day."

one week

one. week.

karl actually watched as his 'i am sober' app ticked over to seven days.

he was absolutely elated.

imagine all of the happiness of 6 christmases rolled up together and dipped into a pool of honey.

that's how happy he was.

he got up from the sofa where he had been on his phone, heading towards their room to tell sapnap.

he stopped.

sapnap's probably bored of hearing about it by now.

he went back to the sofa.

his smile felt just a little more forced after that.

eleven days

karl had not cut in eleven days.

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