'gay club'

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"i'm sorry guys but that's never going to work," dream told the pair, clearly finding the situation funny.

sapnap laughed, raising a taunting eyebrow towards their friends, "i genuinely think we're the only fruits in the whole school," he told them, dream chuckling at the other's wording.

"no way," bad retorted, crossing his arms over his chest, "this place is probably filled with closeted muffins."

niki hummed in agreement, frowning at the two boys across the table, "it would be great," she exclaimed, smiling warmly, "we would be encouraging other people to open up about their true colours."

dream wheezed. and i mean wheezed. he went full tea kettle, sapnap being equally as amused.

niki and bad remained expressionless as their friends tried to calm down their giggles.

after managing to breathe again, dream saw his friend's disappointed expressions, making an innocent face and shrugging like he had done no wrong.

"listen," bad started, "we understand if you won't come because you're big bad footballers and you don't want to ruin your pristine reputation," he taunted, raising a daring eyebrow at the pair, "but we're starting a club anyway, and it's up to you if you want to support it."

niki firmly nodded her head, signifying her agreement.

sapnap rolled his eyes playfully, leaning across to lightly hit bad's arm, "shut up man," he joked, smiling at the pair, "of course we are going to come." he confirmed supportively, "and don't bring social appearance into this," he continued, "the whole school already knows me and dream like cock."

bad smiled at the response but didn't miss the opportunity to "language." his friend's choice in words.

"plus, it would be awkward for you two to be the only members," dream added, smirking, "the least we could do is extent gay club to four people." 

a week later, the group of four found themselves sitting around a desk in an empty classroom during their lunch break, a tray of homemade biscuits in the middle, dream and sapnap obnoxiously giggling.

"it really isn't that funny," niki started, raising a light-heartedly disappointed eyebrow at them.

the blond only laughed harder, and sapnap desperately tried to control himself as he spoke, "we said no one would come," he started, full of himself, "everyone in this school is so painfully straight."

the door pushed open, all four turning to look at it.

for a split second dream let himself be surprised, thinking someone else had decided to turn up to his friends 'gay club'- which he and sapnap so kindly coined it.

his shocked expression fell when he saw the two boys in the doorway, both of them being from the football team.

he knew george and karl- they weren't 'friends,' per se, but they were acquainted through their mutual positions on the team, sort of being forced to hang out.

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