lights are on

606 11 14

tw/cw: mentions of sexual harassment and alcohol.

i was going to put this in the end a/n but i feel like it works better if you listen along as you read:

this oneshot is inspired by tom rosenthal's "lights are on"

tommy had gone to a party with some friends from school, despite his brothers and dad saying he shouldn't.

needless to say, he should've listened. he hated every second of it- the alcohol, the loud music and bright lights, the girls continuously making moves.

he wasn't unaware of the fact girls fancied him, it was expected as he was tall and attractive with fluffy blonde hair. but this didn't mean he would be prepared for multiple girls to be all over him, despite him repeatedly asking them to leave him alone.

honestly, if the roles were reversed, the girls would be in serious trouble- from unwanted touches to one even forcing a kiss from him at one point. but, of course, because he was a boy, it wasn't a problem to any onlookers at the party.

well, he wasn't going to just sit and 'put up with it' like his friend had said. no. he left. and now he was taking the fifteen minute walk home on a cold january night at gone 11pm.

he would be lying if he said there wasn't the odd tear finding it's way down his cheek. he just wanted to be home.

the time passed slowly but he could finally see the house, both the upstairs and downstairs lights on- meaning someone would be home to comfort him.

with the idea of being with his family, tommy found himself walked significantly faster, his steps fading into a jog before he pulled out his key and let himself into the house.

it was weirdly quiet, but the blonde didn't think anything of it, concluding it was probably only techno at home, reading or farming potatoes in minecraft.

he made his way into the downstairs bathroom, quickly checking his reflection and splashing his face to try calm down his puffy, reddened cheeks.

despite his desire to collapse into his brothers arms, the blonde briefly dismissed himself to the kitchen to have a glass of cold water, knowing his voice would be hoarse from crying. grabbing a cup he moved to press it into the front of the fridge where the cold water dispenser was, stopping abruptly when a yellow post-it caught his eye.


we've gone round to schlatt + tubbos.

shouldn't be back to late.

we left the lights on so your drunken self can find his way around ;)

lots of love, 

dad x

the tall boy started at it for a moment, stupidly allowing himself to believe that maybe "we've" was only referring to phil and wilbur.

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