Movie Night

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Hello and welcome to chapter 15 we'll just jump into the chapter


A Monday morning.. Surely everyone hates days like those mostly if it's Monday.

The beginning of the week we have ahead of us. Some people do like this day which is mostly rare to witness. But I pretty surely would have felt sick if it weren't for other 7 idiots living with me and waking me up with new methods.

Today's method to wake me up was...
Maybe you guessed it.
Putting headphones which are on high volume onto my head while starting a porn..

What a good way to wake up if you ask me..
Totally. I'm still wondering myself why I didn't move out but even if I hate those idiots I also love them to much.

Here I am Han Jisung waking up on a college day and rushing to the bathroom only to get lied to that we only have twenty minutes. Which is Obviously a lie since we have an hour.

As I went down pretty mad to find out who woke me up I saw everyone waiting for me to have breakfast together. I sat down between Felix and Minho and laid my head onto Minho's shoulder.

"Good morning Jisung." Chan said.

"Hm.. Morning." I answered, closing my eyes.

"Tired?" Minho asked me, moving his head slightly so he could look at me.

"Mhm." I answered again.

"I know you're tired Sungiee but please eat something I even bought you cheesecake earlier when I went to the bakery." Felix said.

He didn't have to tell me twice since I shot my head up and took the cheesecake and munched it happily.

"So since we're all ready let's go to college earlier so we could sit down and don't have to worry about being late." Seungmin suggested.

"Nah let's stay here for a while and talk so we could go there after half an hour." Changbin said.

"I think that's better if everyone is okay with it." Hyunjin agreed.

Everyone nodded so we all finished up and went to the couch and settled ourselves on it and started talking about random things until Felix started a topic which had to be about me.

"Hey Sungie." He started catching everyone attention.

"Yeah what's wrong?" I looked at him.

"Where were you last night by the way? When I woke up in the middle of the night you weren't there and you weren't home at all when I tried searching for you." He asked curiously.

"Oh.. I.. Well I went to get some water and Minho was also there so we just decided to go out for a while but got home pretty late." I explained.

"That explains why not only you but also Minho is tired." Chan said.

"Yeah." Minho answered.

"Im kind of shocked you didn't notice him sneaking out, Chan." Changbin said.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

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