Mood Swings

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Welcome to chapter 25!
Let's get started :}


Over the past weeks Jisung wasn't acting like his usual self. On sometimes he would be mad then again sad and then happy. There isn't a lot of time left since the birthdue is shorter for male omegas than others but it depends on the omega itself. The baby would be coming in atleast five months if not maybe six. Nonetheless it doesn't change the situation.

Atleast one of us would always stay by Jisung since he refused to stay home. Mostly it was Felix or me who were with him. I'm sure that I should of have told him that it was my fault but.. I'm scared. I know what I'm doing and how I'm acting isn't good and I'm just being a coward but can I do anything against it? Probably not. Atleast not now.

If I remember correctly Jisung is in his third or fourth month and you could clearly see the baby bump. It could have been worse but Jisung is Jisung, he's not dramatic and wouldn't even try to make it dramatic. Over the few months I got to know him I realized that he's a person that's really selfless. He puts others before himself. It's a good thing but also a bad thing because he doesn't care about his feelings or health. I'm happy that he had the other three over the last years. I don't want to know what would have happened if he wouldn't of had them in his life.

And today is another day and also an appointment day by the doctors. Jisung, Felix, Chan and I are on our way to the doctors right now. Chan is driving the car and having a conversation at the front with Felix while Jisung and I sit at the back of the car. It's Jisung's 3rd appointment. We will finally get to know what gender the child will be! I'm really excited to see it, I can't wait for it, Jisung neither even though he doesn't really show it I feel like he can't wait to know.

Right now we have 2pm. We already ate breakfast and the others are at home trying to clean the kitchen since there were a few.. Well.. Accidents while cooking and everything got dirty. No one got hurt luckily but the kitchen sure did.

"Hey Minho hyung?" Jisung takes me out of my thoughts.


"What do you think the baby's gender will be?" Jisung asks me.

"I don't really know but I don't care it can be any gender as long as it's healthy everything is okay." I answer him.

"You're right.." Jisung mumbles.

"Hey Jisungie you know that if you have problems you can ask for help."

I say and then realize what I said. 'Stupid Minho you shouldn't have said that not that he thinks that I think that he's weak and only needs help or-.'

"I will hyung. I know that you're here for me so if I really struggle I will ask for the help. Thank you." Jisung says and smiles slightly.

"No problem." I smile back and then realize that the car stopped as I look out I see the hospital where Jisung would get his check-up.

I look back to Jisung and see how he seems to be uneasy so I try to calm him down by slowly taking his hand into mine and then rubbing slow circles with my thumb onto his hand. When he sees that I'm holding his hand he slowly calms down.

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