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Welcome to chapter 24 and let's get started :D

3rd PoV:

It's been one week and Jisung has lived himself into the school. He got used to the system which was slightly different than in Malaysia where he used to live before. Jeongin, Felix and him built their trio and had a good connection until now.

It was a normal Thursday morning as Jisung nearly overslept. If it wasn't for his dad he would have probably been sleeping through the whole day. His dad stormed into his room as he realized that the whole house was a little too quiet. If Jisung would have been awake you would only hear him curse and complaining about how it's useless to go to school. But that wasn't heard and also a sign that he never woke up.

So here they are.. Seok dragging Jisung from his ear to the bathroom while teaching him a lesson on how to wake up earlier and to take more care of himself. Definetly a beautiful sight..

After Jisung got ready and got lectured he made his way outside to see Felix who was waiting for him.

"I was about to leave." Felix said as soon as he saw Jisung.

"I'm sorry okay? I'm also just a human." Jisung replies and they start walking their way to school.

"No shit I can see that. I'm not blind."

"Yeah sure.. I'm not the one who always hits their head on the table."

"YAH! That was a one time thing..."

"Yeah right. You always hit your head on a table or just fall or trip with nothing but air." Jisung says.

".. Rude." Felix mumbles.

"I'm just saying the truth so it's not that rude." Jisung remarks.

Felix huffs to his response and they both walk quietly to the school where jeongin was waiting for them. After jeongin saw them two he knew that they both had their usual small and childish morning fight so he didn't bother to solve the problems since they would solve it themselves after a few minutes.

"Morning hyungs!" Jeongin gives his biggest smile.

"Morning Jeongin." Both say at the same time only to bicker again after a few seconds.

"I said it first!" Felix says.

"No I did! You were to slow!" Jisung responds.

"Not true!"

"Yes it is!"


"I'm not a liar!"

".. Guys-"

"Yes you are!"


*Shut up I'm not!"

" You should shut u-"

" GUYS! BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP NOW!"Jeongin finally says making thr both of them shut up.

"sorry.." they both apologize.

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