A Roller Coaster

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Here is chapter 20... Nothing more to say except this chapter is kind of trash and basically only Minho smiling and simping  over Jisung and giving a small fill in over the few weeks after. But yeah enjoy ^-^

Minho's PoV:

After hearing that I was sure that I really fucked up. If I only I hadnt drunk that much.. Maybe Jisung wouldn't have to suffer because of me. But then again we both were also at fault for doing that even though we both know how we are when we aren't in our right mindsets. Ofcourse we all accepted him and helped him through that.

A few weeks had passed and I am still holding onto the grudge. I wanted to tell him that it was me but then again.. What would happen? Would he hate me? I'm sure he would since it isn't easy and I'm also sure that the others are trying to find out who it was. Heck they even asked me if I saw the person who was beside Jisung and if they were still there. I couldn't say that it was me.. As if I go to them like
"oh hey do you know who the father is? It's me yayy".. No I couldn't just come to them like that. It's better to keep quiet about it now. I know I will tell it someone but just.. not now atleast.

Since the time passed it wasn't much different when it came to Jisung he actually had gotten more emotional and nearly always needed someone with him. At first he didn't want to accept the child but after a while he just accepted it which is a good thing. He still got emotional over it though and over small things so we pretty much had to deal with a wild gone quokka but hey at least he didn't hit anyone.. well that's what I thought three days ago until he actually hit Changbin because he didn't get the right ice cream. Yeah your heard right.. Jisung hit Changbin BECAUSE he got the wrong ice cream. Since that day Changbin had a few small bruises here and there. At least it doesn't hurt him that much.. what he says at least.

And we all didn't sleep that much because of who? You guessed it Han. He always needed someone by his side.. which is actually pretty cute.. and over the past weeks I felt like my feelings for him which started of normal went from a friendship way to a i-like-you-more-than-a-friend way. That's what Chan told me when I tried to talk to him about it yesterday. I want to be sure of my feelings since they have been confusing me or more like Han has been confusing me even if we grew closer over this whole time and built a more strong bond he still confuses me with his actions and my feelings towards him.

And today? Also normal except Han being more clingy to me than usual.

"Hyuuunggg~" Jisung whined as I tried to switch the movie.

"Hm?" I hum.

"Don't switch the channels." He pouts.

"Why you wanted to watch something else?" I ask.

"Yeah before but now it was starting to get interesting and suddenly you switch channels."

"It was literally ten seconds ago when you wanted me to switch the channels." I look at him in disbelief.

"Yeah I know. Which also means that it was enough time for the movie to get exciting." He literally sounds like a teacher the way he  says this.

"Are you trying to teach me something?" I rise an eyebrow.

"Not really but if you think you could learn something from me right now then, yeah, sure I guess I do." He puts his finger on his chin and looks down as he thinks about it.

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