Time Together

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Hellooo and welcome to Chapter 26!!
This chapter will be a little Changlix
chapter because why not give my loves some "screen" time if you don't want to read about them just skip the chapter anyways enjoy~
-3rd PoV-

"Congratulations, the baby is a boy!" The doctor says to the four smiling.

As Felix heard that he smiled and went to Jisungs side.

"It's a cute baby boy!!" Felix says smiling brightly.

"Yes lix it is." Jisung smiles lightly.

"Oh my god we have to go shopping! We have to buy so many things for it!"

Felix continues his ramble about what to buy. Although Felix was smiling brightly and talking about the baby non-stop Jisung wasn't smiling that brightly as Felix. Minho and Chan stood there smiling brightly when they heard the information. They were indeed happy for Jisung and tried to give him as much as support as they could give. Minho noticed Jisungs reaction and finally walked over to Jisung to take his hands in his.

"I know you're not that happy right now and it definitely isn't your fault but you should know it's not the fault of the child either. The remaining months will be rough but when the child is here it's definitely going to bring happiness with it too." Minho says to Jisung trying to comfort him.

"I know.. thank you." Jisung says trying to smile a little. Even if it was useless he still tried. He knew this all but accepting it was more than hard. He is trying his best but do his tries succeed? He isn't sure about that.

"Thank you doctor." Chan says smiling and bowing down slightly.

"That's my job. But I have to go now. You can leave anytime now." The doctor says one last time before saying bye and leaving the room to go to the next patient.

"Sungie do you want to go out?" Felix asks him and gets a nod as a response.

They all go back to the car and start their drive back home. The car rise wasn't quite at all. In fact Felix and Chan were screaming to songs that played on the radio, Minho was making some background music to it while holding Jisungs hand and Jisung was sitting there laughing and playing with Minho's hand. The ride back wasn't awkward at all which was a good thing.

It was pretty quiet when Chan, Minho, Jisung and Felix entered. The only thing that you could hear in the house were the sounds of the series, that was playing on the TV screen.

They met the other four, who were sitting on the couch and watching a series on TV while eating popcorn and basically leaving no space between each other, as they were sitting and lying there piled up together.

"Yo, guys we're back."

As soon as Chan spoke up Seungmin and Jeongin jumped up startled as Changbin and Hyunjin nearly screamed their lungs out.

"CHAN WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE A GODDAMN JUMPSCARE?!" Hyunjin asked dramatically while holding his heart as if it would jump out at any moment he would have let it go.

"..I didn't do anything though-"

"Don't act like you didn't scare us with your actions you just pulled!" Jeongin says.

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