He's here

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Hi hi and welcome to chapter 38!
Let's start the chapter :)

Chan PoV:

After I heard Jisung yelling, I immediately went down after I put my shoes on and drove to the hospital with him, while Jeongin was waking up the rest.

When we arrive and I tell the lady, who is sitting in the reception, she calls a nurse and a doctor to come and get Jisung.

They get him and bring him to the room, while I follow them from behind. The only thing they tell me, is, to wait outside.

Of course I will wait patiently, as I know this needs a lot of time, but that won't calm down my fear of anything happening.

Jeongin calls me after two minutes, but it's not Jeongin on the phone, it's Minho, who sounds worried. I haven't heard him in such a worry in a long time. Now that I think about it, I never heard him once like this.

I tell him the hospital we are currently in and he just hangs up without further comments.

Probably draging everyone to the car, so one of them can drive them to Jisung and me.

After another wait of five minutes, I close my eyes. Tired from the sudden movement in the middle of the night.

My eyes quickly open, due the others rushing up to me, asking if there is anything to know, but I only shake my head, as there is nothing to say.

Half an hour later some of us had fallen asleep. Jeongin, Seungmin, Hyunjin and Changbin fell asleep, while Seok, Minho, Felix and I are still awake.

None of us talk. We all give each other simple glances, as there is nothing to talk about. The worry between us grows big, but all we can do is wait and see, if it will go well or not.

But I believe that it will go well. Jisung is strong, really strong. He can do it. Even though I know that, it still gives me panic.

I shouldn't let the bad thoughts win, no.

After convincing myself, I look to Minho, who is silent the whole time, which scares me.

Of course he has times, where he us quiet, but he had been quiet since two hours. Which in my opinion, is a long time.

"I'll get something to drink. Does anyone want something? To eat or to drink?" Seok asks.

"I don't want anything uncle, but thank you." Felix gives him a slight smile and  Seok nods as an answer, then looks to Minho, who shook his head and I repeat the action.

"Okay then. Call me, if there are any news. I might go out to get some fresh air. The situation is stressing me out a little." He chuckles.

We nod once again as an answer and he leaves to get his water. I wanted to say something, but nothing comes out of my mouth.

This makes me feel rude towards him. I will apologize later and gift him a coffee or something. Yeah, that would be good.

I look over to Felix and Minho and both don't look well. They look exhausted. Of course they feel this way, after all Felix's best friend and twin, who is also Minho's boyfriend, is in that room.

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