A Past Full pt. 1

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3rd PoV:

Jisung and Chansung were both on the couch. Chansung sitting while Jisung had his head laying on Chansung's lap. The elder was playing with Jisungs hair and sometimes kissing his hand or forehead.

"Chansung.." Jisung calls out for his boyfriend.


"I must say.. you're really bad at Mario kart." Jisung says

"I literally beat you in it a few seconds ago.." Chansung looks at him in disbelief.

"Well.. Only once AND I beat you all The time in it."

"And your point is?"

Jisung dramatically gasps, putting his hand on his heart.

"How dare you being so rude to me! I just wanted to point something out.. and you need to get better in it!" He started pouting.

"And how am I gonna get better?" He raised an eyebrow while asking.

"As you can see.. infront of you is the best Mario kart player ever!"

"Really? I don't see them. I guess I have to search for them."

The pout on the youngers face grew bigger. Chansung could only coo and chuckle at his boyfriend's cute behaviour.

"I'm joking love. I know you're a good player and could teach me to get better." He leans forward giving Jisung a small peck on his lips and then smiles at him after.

Jisung giggled after the small peck and sat up to sit on his boyfriend's lap and started hugging him.

"I really am lucky to have you." Chansung says hugging him.

"Me too.. I hope we could stay together forever or at least for a little more." Jisung says.

Soon they went into the kitchen and started to make food. As they were finished making it they put it into the stove and went back to the living room. They started Mario kart and Jisung also started teaching Chansung how to get better at Mario kart.
Chansung found it quite amusing, seeing the younger sometimes stressing out and pouting because of a few mistakes and acting as if he was the one playing or if it was a choice between life and dead.

After some time passed they both were immersed in the game and aftdr they got bored they started a new game which wasn't Mario kart.

But they forgot about the food and here it was.. the incident.. the fire that destroyed their whole apartment. Jisung was passed out when the firefighters and the ambulance arrived. Chansung was still awake but his breathing got worse and his vision blurry as the time flew by.

It didn't take Chansung long to also pass out beside Jisung.

Both were taken to the hospital and got treated for a few small wounds.

A few days later Jisung finally woke up but couldn't remember anything. He needed two days until his memory recovered and remembered what happened. Why did it happen? They didn't deserve it. They didn't do anything wrong. Soon the realization hit him that not only he was here. Chansung was also here. His beloved sweet, caring boyfriend.. He saved him but.. what happened to him? Did he survive? Is he even awake? Is he still breathing? Did he die?

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