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I grumbled, standing in front of the maid café, as I held onto my bag that contained my uniform tightly. It's not that I despite this good as the pay is decent for our standard of living but I wasn't in any mood to work at all after the message.

I wonder how Kou puts his fake persona on whilst at work...

Clearing my head, I pushed the door open, just to be greeted by smiles from my peers, as one of them came running, hugging me.

"{Y/N}! Haven't seen you in ages!" Miya cheered, as I half-laughed, nodding in agreement. "Are you feeling better? You've been sick for a while and we all got worried."

"I'm feeling a lot better, don't worry." I said, patting her back as I looked at the others. "Just been taking care of Emilio and all that, you know?"

"That's a relief. Was wondering where my favourite maid was." I turned around to see my boss, as I quickly bowed to greet him. "It's a Friday, one of the busiest times of the week, let's get preparing." Nodding, I headed off to the changing rooms to get changed into my work uniform.

"Hm?" I looked at my phone, seeing another notification from a news app as I scrolled through the content, curious.


I bit my lip, staring at the headlines, looking around the changing room before proceeding to read on.

The idol sensation has been a huge talk over this month and we still don't have half of the tea! Recently, an incident occurred in Mukami Kou's fan signing event, revealing that he has a son, name unknown, that was being raised by his childhood girlfriend. There has been many hints that Kou have said in other interviews, how he always wanted to be a father with this special girl of his, even though they broke up. Maybe he's still in love with her after all this time. However, yesterday, we spotted Kou WITH an unknown girl... Could this be her?

I gasped, looking at the photo; It was Kou... and Eva. I huffed, putting my phone away, as I left the changing room, unsure of how to deal with this. Of course, it wasn't Kou's fault, but I was still annoyed that he followed her.

"I hope she's not the girl Kou likes..." I heard a customer said, as I couldn't help but to eardrop. "Wasn't she the obsessive fan that ruined one of Kou's concert?"

"It really looks like her... This has to be fake." I couldn't help but to smile, knowing that Eva wouldn't win her battles that easily.

So be it, Eva.

"Hi dear customers!" I greeted them, lightly bowing. "Would you like anything today?" They nodded, s the three of us started discussing the options of food and drinks in the café today.

"Well I never." I paused, hearing THAT voice, as I looked up, seeing another woman I despite the most. "The young mother works at a maid café, surrounding herself with males. Never knew that you would sell your bo-"

"Unfortunately, we don't promote that type of service here, ma'am, nor do we ever plan on doing." I interrupted, clearing my throat. "As this is a café for all ages. Surely for someone to be a CEO your common knowledge does seem to be lacking." I added, faking a smile towards her, even though I knew what she was trying to do.

To think she'll even go this low with her statement...

She scoffed, walking to her table as her eyes never left me. "I'd like to be served." I rolled my eyes, apologetically bowing to the two teens before making my way to the old bat of an CEO. "This table isn't clean."

"What do you mean?" I looked at her confused, seeing that the table is indeed clean. She scoffed, shaking her heed. "Or maybe the only thing that's dirty here is your disgusting attitude and your remarks." I shrugged, as she stood up, staring at me intensely.

"Until now, you made no attempt to show some respect for me. Just who do you think you are?" She growled as I took a deep breath, not wanting to do something that results me losing my job.

"Maybe if you sort your son out and make sure he never lays a finger on my son, then maybe I'll respect you." I answered back, not breaking eye contact with her. After this intense staring battle she huffed, sitting back down, before nodding.

"Never lays a finger on that boy, huh." She repeated, before nodding. Was her ego that damage or something? "Decided that I'm not hungry, I'm off." She said before leaving. Something tells me that she's plotting something, but dealing with her already drained my energy.

Until now I still haven't gave her a name... Does she even deserve one at this point?

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