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When Kou found {Y/N} moments later, his world started crumbling. She was passed out on the ground with blood all around the ground.

Who did this?

Without a moment to spare, he quickly picked her up and started running to the nearest hospital, not even caring if the media caught him.

That wasn't his priority.

"Hang in there, {Y/N}... please." He begged, holding her tightly. Her warmth was starting to fade, which made Kou hurry up even more.

"I need a doctor! Quick please!"

"Will mummy be ok?" A faint voice asked, looking at his mother sleeping peacefully. "Why's she sleeping? Is she very tired?" A heavy sigh was heard as the father weakly smiled at his son before nodding, picking him up. It's been 48 hours since she got submitted into the hospital's care, and no news about her well-being, which is making both the Mukamis worried.

"Yeah tiger, she'll be ok. She just got injured." Kou sighed, picking up his son as Emilio buried his head into his chest. "You know your mum, she's very strong."

Stronger than me, He thought, as he looked in one direction, hearing the cameras flashing.

News already spread that he's been in the hospital, but he refuses to leave {Y/N}'s side. Making sure she and Emilio was ok was his top priority; as a boyfriend and as a father.

"Good news." A nurse came out, holding the clipboard. The two quickly looked at the nurse, who was smiling lightly. "The surgery was a success. Fortunately, none of her vital organs were harmed. For now, she'll need some rest and we'll see how she is after two weeks if she's ready to be discharged." The sigh of relief Kou let out as he sat down, starting to calm down.

"Can I see mummy?" Emilio frowned, looking at the door as the nurse nodded, patting the boy's head.

"Yes but Mummy's sleeping. So make sure to be on your best behaviour for her, ok?" The boy nodded as the pair of them entered the room. There she was, sleeping peacefully in the bed as Emilio quickly ran up to her, climbing on the bed to snuggle up with her. Kou weakly smiled as he gently held her hand, on the edge of the bed.

"Who did this to you?" Kou frowned, looking at her face. She wasn't as cold as before, but a whole two weeks without {Y/N}? The thought made him shudder.

For starters, she was mainly getting Emi ready for school. Although he's done it a few times, he'll have to get used to it. "Emi, stay with mummy ok?" He said before exiting the room.

First thing first, he needed to make one thing clear.

After opening the door to the Main Reception, reporters hurried over to his side as he quietly sighed before smiling softly with his idol persona taking over him.

"Kou, are you hurt anyway?"

"Who was the person you brought? We couldn't see her face!"

"Is your son injured?"

Taking a deep breath, he took one of the mics and placed a finger on his mouth to silence the room.

"Let's respect other patients who are resting here." He started giggling lightly. "Also, I have a message and this goes for everyone. If anybody hurts my girlfriend in any shape or form, just know that I'm coming for you." He looked into one of the cameras, lightly smirking. "I hope you're watching this." He said, before handing out the mic.


"What did you do?" Yuuki yelled, storming into Eva's apartment. She squeaked, dropping the remote as she looked at the other idol confused. "Did you stab her?"

"I'd never stab {Y/N}!" She defended herself before quickly covering her mouth. Yuuki looked at her surprised before leaning against the wall, shaking his head.

"Slip of the tongue, huh? So you stabbed her? And here I thought you two fought." Eva quickly bit her lip, not knowing what to say. "You gotta let it go-"

"Who's side are you on, huh?" She cut him off, folding her arms. "Because if I recalled, thanks to you I managed to leak her number." Yuuki stayed silent, before looking away. He never wanted to betray {Y/N}'s trust.

Why's he so powerless to someone who doesn't like him back?

"I'm telling Kou." He muttered, causing the girl to panic as she hurried up to him, holding onto his arm.

"Y-Yuuki! I swear I never wanted to! S-She attacked me-!" Yuuki paused as she looked at the crying girl, who collapsed on her knees. "I panicked and I just... stabbed her. I swear, it was self-defence."

The idol bit his lip, his thoughts suddenly conflicted. Although {Y/N} has more of a motive to attack Eva, it's not like her. But he never saw Eva in this state.

"If I ever find out you're lying..." He muttered before storming off as Eva gulped. She needed to start hiding.

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