Chapter 1 - Storm

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Picture of Makai above.
Model: Maxaim Mikou


Wild. That's what the pack call me. They whisper it behind my back as they avoid my eyes and give me a wide berth. I'll admit that I have done some things over the years to earn that name because I don't like being around people. The name and reputation that came with it keeps them away. I prefer solitude and nature to socializing, and no matter how hard my mother tried to teach me, I never mastered the art of small talk anyway.

She eventually gave up and decided to accept me as I am.

So, except for him, no one tries to befriend me. I had tried to push him away, but he is stubborn, and no matter how hard I attempted to avoid him or scare him away, he always returned, flashing his sweet grin and telling me about his day and what he called his adventures.

Storm isn't afraid of me like most people. He likes to be around me and comes here whenever he can. Sometimes it would be weeks between his visits, but he always comes back, with his sweet smile and hopeful eyes that makes me want to do anything he wants just to make him happy.

But no matter how happy I feel every time I see him, or how much I want to keep him with me for as long as possible basking in his sunshine as he fills up the deep void of loneliness I sometimes feel, I never allow myself to enjoy it for too long. I try not to outwardly show how much I love his company and presence in my otherwise quiet existence. I don't think I deserve his company. Storm is, and has always been far too pure for someone like me.

They call me wild, but even they had no idea about the beast that rages within me, the beast that I worked hard to keep in check so it wouldn't overwhelm me.

I do enjoy solitude, but it is mainly for this reason that I avoid people. I am terrified that if the beast appears and I can't control it, I'd hurt them.

Storm is an exception. I am not afraid to hurt him because my beast...likes him. Only when he is present does that energy that seemed to be swirling within me completely calm down and feel...happy. It is kind of strange.

On the other hand, maybe it's not so strange. Storm is impossible to dislike. There is just something about him that makes everything better, and I feel stupid saying it, but when Storm walks into a room, it's like turning on a light in a dark room. Bright, warm, and illuminating.

"Aren't we feeling poetic today!" Kitai, my wolf, teases with a cackle, interrupting my thoughts about Storm.

"Shut up, Kit," I say with an inward glare I knew he could see, shaking off the memories of Storm.

"My name is Kitai!" he growls in annoyance, making me smirk.

"Kitai, not Kit! Do I seem like a Kit to you?!"

Kitai was a loud-mouthed, sarcastic wolf who enjoys teasing and criticizing me. We fight frequently because we disagreed on many issues, and there were times when I wished I could smack him, but I wouldn't want anyone else to be my wolf.

We are opposites, but he is my best friend, and we are devoted to each other.

I pause when I smell sweets and raspberry.

"Speak of the devil-or, in this case, angel," Kitai says gleefully, and I can feel him pacing around happily. Kitai loves Storm. He always begs to meet Storm properly, but I have never agreed because I am a little afraid of the things he would say to Storm if he gets the chance and I don't want to risk it.

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