Chapter 22 - Pleasure

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I wake up feeling a lot more relaxed than I've felt for the past few days. Blinking my eyes slowly open, I glance around confused for a few seconds before remembering that Makai and I are in New Orleans.

Where is Makai?

I stretch lazily, feeling very good for some reason. As I scramble off the bed to the bathroom to release the pressure in my bladder, I try to remember what happened last night. There is something important I'm forgetting, but for the life of me, I can't remember what it is.

Trying to remember what had happened yesterday, I blush when I recollect the argument with Makai, and then being a big crybaby afterward.

Recalling the way he had comforted me and taken care of me after my crying bout makes me smile softly, and the smile turns into a smirk when I remember rising from the bath in all my naked glory and startling him.

After that, what happened?

Something keeps nagging at my mind, and as I pee I try to drag the memories from my brain.

Bladder emptied, I walk lazily to the sink to wash my hands. With the water running over my hand, I begin to remember. Pain. So much pain.

The heat!

Why am I not feeling it so much anymore? Is it over? But how can that be? It had barely started.

The heat was such a terrible experience for me that I am just glad that I'm not feeling the intense urge to be taken and marked anymore. I take a quick shower as I plan my day. My main agenda this morning is to find my mate and kiss him senseless, then go get some breakfast and take a tour around New Orleans. In that order.

It is after I have showered and am brushing my hair that I see it in the mirror, peeking through the neckline of the shirt. My eyes run over it at first, then I do a double-take. "What....?"

Shaking my head in confusion, I quickly take off my shirt, eyes widening when I see the mark in its full glory, and my hands tremble as I brush it over the mark. How did this happen? Why do I have no recollection of it?

I hear a sound, but I don't realize it is me making that whimpering sound until I hear Makai frantically calling my name.

"Storm? Storm! I'm so sorry, I just went out to get us breakfast. I didn't think you would wake up before I returned."

I raise my head from my knees to look into his eyes. Why is he squatting on the floor?


Oh. I don't recall sliding down the wall in the bathroom to sit on the floor, but looking at myself, indeed, I have. The shock had just sent me to the floor, and he squatted to be at eye level with me.

"Storm? Please say something, baby. You're scaring me. Are you okay?"

Okay? How can I be okay after what has happened?

I point to the mark that has been tattooed from my left lower neck and spread across my left collarbone. I have never seen such a big mating mark. It is the usual mating crescent moon with Makai's initials, but there is also my unique mark of a light scatter of glowing stars. Even in my panic, I have to admit it's beautiful.

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