Chapter 29 - Endless Plays

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I'm almost a resident of dreamland when Storm's cry pulls me back into wakeful reality. 

"Kai! Omygoddess Kai!"

"What's wrong?" I ask, startled.

"Your mark! Your mating mark finally appeared," he cries, his face the mask of happiness.

My fingers move automatically to my neck.

"It's so pretty! Like mine! Come and see!"

I laugh when he drags me off the bed to the bathroom mirror to see my mating mark. I finger the mark reverently. Storm Is right. My mark Is a twin of his, with the scattered stars and his name written across it. Looking into his happy face, I pull him into a soft kiss. "I'm glad we're matching marks now"

"Me too!"

I chuckle. "Come on Sunshine, let's go to bed."

He yelps when I scoop him up, then smiles when I shift him properly into my arms. 

"Take me to bed, Cupcake."

The following day, we wake up in a great mood. Storm giggles when I rouse him with little kisses all over his face.

"I could get used to this kissing service," he murmurs.

"I aim to please," I reply, planting a last kiss on his lips and urging him up. 

"Come on, Baby. Shower, breakfast, and quest. Let's go."

"Piggyback ride?" he asks sweetly.

I chuckle. "You want a piggyback ride to the bathroom that is just twenty steps away?"

"Yes," he deadpans.

Shaking my head, I go to his side of the bed and give him my back. "Hop on."

I adjust him after he hops on, chuckling when he sighs contentedly and relaxes against me. "Don't fall asleep again. We are almost there."


When we arrive at the bathroom, my childish mate refuses to get off my back. 

"Storm. You can't stay on my back forever."

"Mmm hmm."

I try to slide him down again but he sticks to me with a strong grip.

Chuckling, I angle my head to look at him. "Storm. Come on, we have a full day of searching to do."

He snuggles deeper. "Don't wanna."

"I will walk into the shower and turn it on with the temperature very low," I threaten.

He gasps. "You wouldn't!"

One of the new things I've learned about Storm from the short time of living with him is that he hates cold water on his body.

Instead of answering, I start walking toward the shower with my monkey mate still on my back.

He shrieks when I start sliding the glass door of the cubicle. "Nooooo! Okay, okay! I'll get down!"

I laugh when he quickly scrambles down. "That was mean!"

"I didn't do anything," I protest, undressing.

"You were going to release a cold shower on me!" he accuses, taking off his sleep shirt.

I arch a brow. "Was I ?"

Disposing of his bottoms, he turns to me with narrowed eyes. "Weren't you?"

I pull him into my arms and grab him to keep him from escaping. "I guess we'll never know."

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