Chapter 26 - After Dark

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I am burning with desire for my mate, but I work to tuck it in so that he can enjoy this night to the fullest. I know that all I have to do is to say something, to whisper the words into his ears and he would gladly leave the party behind and follow me home.

But I don't want that. I know how much spending time together here means to my mate, so I don't want to ruin it.

He has been in his element all night, chatting with as many people as he can and hugging almost everybody. He spent the first half of the night stuck to my side, dancing and chatting. The only people who dared to interrupt us were his family and the twins. I can tell that pack members are itching to talk to him as they usually do, but they don't know how to approach him while he was plastered against me.

Storm either doesn't see the furtive glances or cannot be bothered to give anyone else attention. I have all of his attention, and it feels like a heady drug, rushing through me and making me light and smug.
After some time, I convince him that I will be okay for a few minutes so that he can mingle. Storm is like a bright light, and the pack derives joy in speaking to him and being around him.

I can't believe that I had once thought his association with me might change how they viewed him. Or even that they would shun him. Storm is an integral part of this pack. We were all attached to him in one way or the other, and it occurs to me all over again how lucky I am that he is all mine and that I get to take him home and sleep with him in my arms every night.

I watch as he laughs at something one of the young men he was talking to said. His happiness was like a drug sprayed into the air, and it was infecting everyone within reach. My mate stood there, oblivious as his laughter drew fond glances and answering smiles.

I don't think my Raai will ever understand how special he is. His gaze suddenly finds mine and he sends me a wink. He has been doing that since I had released him to socialize; finding my gaze now and then to smile or wink at me.

His attention is drawn away again when two young ladies join the group. My mate hugs both of them, and I can see their blushes from my position.

I feel a low growl in my throat and suppressed it. The beast didn't like Storm's closeness to other wolves or the many hugs he has been sharing like a party favor.

Kitai snorts. "Hypocrite. You hate it just as much as I do."

"I may hate it, but since I'm not all animal like you, I know how to suppress that emotion and be reasonable. Even if I hate it. You're the one who growls every time he hugs someone."

"But honestly! Why are so many people touching my mate today? I hope he doesn't return reeking of other wolves."

"You should know better than that, Kitai."

He sighs. "I do know better. He doesn't retain the scents of other wolves on him. Except for a faint scent of us. I'm just slightly annoyed."

I gave a short laugh. "You're the one who suggested that I allow him to mingle, so quit complaining."

I've been keeping an eye on my mate from an obscure corner of the room where I am generally left alone except for a few pack members who summoned the courage to say Hi to me from time to time.


It takes a second for me to understand that the young man with a soft voice is addressing me. It is the boy from the orphanage who had helped me when Storm was kidnapped. The one who has a crush on Storm.

"Hi. Corey, right?"

He looked momentarily surprised that I remember his name and beams. "You remember me?"

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