Chapter 15 - Kidnapped

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"Storm has been taken."

I can't recall the journey to the school, but one second I am a man, and the next, I have shifted into my blue-black wolf and I'm almost at the pack school where the swim club meets.

My shift back to man is fluid and quick, changing forms only when I am almost at the swimming area where Alpha Ben had told me they were.

I don't bother to tame my wild hair or school my face into a friendly expression as I walk up to where the commotion is. Trying my best to look tame has never been appreciated anyway, so I especially wasn't going to bother about what anyone thinks about me when my mate is in danger.

I walk past the pack warriors and some of the worried lingering pack members to where the alpha is standing with his beta and a group of warriors talking to a crying shivering boy.

Conversation stills when my presence is felt, with some of them looking confused and others curious about my presence. Quinn catches my eye first and calls me over, looking worried and anxious, unconsciously messing his black waves with his nervous fingers.

Taking a deep breath to calm my own nerves, I walk over to him and Alpha Ben. People part to make way for me, openly staring as I make my way to Storm's family.

"What happened?"

"We don't really know. We received a distressed call through the pack link and got here to see some of the swim team lying on the floor bloodied and Storm nowhere to be found. The only thing we've been able to get out of Corey- he's the only lucid kid left, is rogues, and he's sorry he didn't help Storm. It's been difficult getting him to talk."

Corey? That name is familiar.
I turn to look at the smallish crying teenager, his knees drawn up to his chest, blond hair messy as he just shakes his head while the frustrated warriors try to get information out of him.

"Both Dad and I tried to talk to him, but he only cries and shivers harder when we're close. We tried to call Nick, their counselor, but he is out of town and won't be here anytime soon."

"He's afraid of alphas," I murmur, remembering some of the conversations Storm and I have had about the orphanage kids.


I shift my gaze to Alpha Ben. "That boy, Corey, he's afraid of alphas. He's one of Storm's rescue kids at the orphanage. The previous pack he came from treated omegas badly, especially the alphas. That's why he's reacting that way. Can I try talking to him?"

Quinn throws me a disbelieving glance. "You're also an alpha. And no offense, but you're scarier than both of us."

I shrug. "True, but I know how to get to him."

Alpha Ben and Quinn exchange a glance.

"Fine, talk to him. Nothing has worked so far."

I would have gone to speak to the boy regardless, but it is good to get the go-ahead from my alpha.

"Can you tell the warriors to move back? They're scaring him, and he won't talk if he's scared."

"But we need to hear-"

"You can all be within hearing distance, but you need to give us some space because right now all the alpha pheromones are overwhelming him," I interrupt Quinn, knowing what he was going to protest about.

"Okay," he agrees, and he goes to speak to Beta Paul about removing the warriors around Corey. My gaze lands on the other side of the pool where the pack doctors are trying to stop the bleeding from the other boys.

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