Chapter 10 - Fear of Rejection

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The next day Storm wakes up feeling much better, and his magic is back to normal. This makes all of us happy, especially Storm because losing that part of himself had been a painful experience for him.

We are both a little skittish around each other now that we're aware we're mates, and I'm not sure what that will mean going forward. On one hand, I know denying the bond means rejecting Storm, and as much as I still believe not having a mate is the best thing for me, rejecting Storm is also something I don't think I am capable of doing.

For one, it is a great humiliation I can't put Storm through. Having your mate reject you was a rare experience no werewolf wants to go through. And besides, from what Aris had said, we're stuck together as Rekan and Raai regardless.

I'm so confused as to what to do. I can't have Storm stuck to me forever. He doesn't deserve that. He deserves someone who is just as bright as he is, popular and loved, not a cloud like me blocking his sunshine.

I have no idea how we're going to work things out and even if they can be worked out, but I'm determined to put his needs first.

The twins come around later in the day to visit Storm and are shocked when find me there. Storm confirms the rumor that we're mates. While he chats with them, I take the opportunity to go home to get my thoughts together on how to deal with the issue of our mating.

Storm is reluctant to see me go, but it has been days since I have been home, and I have to leave at some point. I feel better about leaving him now since he's almost fully recovered.

Besides, staying at his house isn't ideal. Most of his family aren't happy to see me there, and the tension is so thick you can cut it with a knife. I leave him with the promise to have my phone charged and at hand so that he can reach me if he needs to.

Mom is in the kitchen drinking lemonade when I arrive, and she gives me a big smile and a hug.

"How is Storm doing?"

"He's much better now," I reply, picking a glass from the shelf and helping myself to the jug of lemonade.

"I'm glad he's doing better. How do you feel?"

I give her a surprised look as I sit on the stool beside her. "How do I feel? I'm okay. Storm's the one who was sick."

She hits my arm lightly. "You know what I mean. You have a mate now, Makai. A mate! And Storm, of all people. Fate has a way of bringing everything full circle, doesn't it?"

"Mom, I don't know how to feel about it."

"What do you mean? Finding your mate is only ever good news, Kai, and a reason to celebrate."

I sigh. It's hard to talk to her about this because she lost her mate just a few years after they had mated and me not wanting a mate at all is something she wouldn't ever understand.

"I just need some time to get used to the idea," I say instead.

She rubs a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm just so happy for you! With how you never go anywhere I was afraid you may never meet your mate."

I don't say anything to that. Instead, I tell her about Aris and what she said about my family and origins. I also told her about being a Protector.

She goes through moments of shock, surprise, happiness, and pride as I share what Aris has told us with her. I only leave out the part about someone trying to poison Quinn.

"Oh, my darling! I'm so happy for you!" She cries, pulling me into a hug.

"And so proud! I always knew you had a higher purpose."

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