Chapter 4 - Flashback

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A/N: Image of Dera above



Mama and Papa were going to the Werewolf Council to deliver something important, and we were allowed to accompany them for the first time. Di and I were allowed to go along because we were going on a family vacation once the package was delivered to the Council.

Mama and Papa did a lot of important business for our Pack and the Council. I didn't understand exactly what they did, but I knew it was very important. When Papa announced that we'd spend two nights camping in the woods before catching a train to Denver, where the Council was located, Di and I were even more ecstatic.

Our first night was a blast. Di and I assisted Papa in building a bonfire, and we sat around it toasting marshmallows and enjoying Mama's homemade hot chocolate as Papa told us stories about his adventures. Mama kept laughing and saying that Papa was making things up, but Papa insisted that everything he said was true. I believed Mama because some of the stories were almost unbelievable, but I enjoyed hearing them anyway.

On the second night, Di and I were itching for a run and convinced our parents to allow us to go for a run on our own with the promise that we wouldn't travel too far and would be back in under an hour.

We ran through the woods, having a great time exploring and racing until we realized it was time to return. Dion and I shifted back to human form to race each other to the camp. In human form, I was faster than Di. I was ahead of him and was nearly at our camp when I sensed something was wrong.

I was the oldest. Even though Di would argue that two minutes ahead doesn't make me older, I still felt the responsibility of an elder brother, so when I scented danger, I told him to run to the next pack for assistance while I went to check.

He didn't want to leave me, but he relented after I reminded him that he was faster in his wolf form than I was and that if he went alone, he would be able to bring help faster. The truth was that I was scared that the danger would harm him, and I didn't want that to happen.

As soon as he shifted and bolted away I turned around and cautiously approached the camp. I was terrified, but I was more concerned about Mama and Papa, so I pushed my dread aside and crept on. What I saw made me gag and almost puke. My chest constricted terribly as despair and a deep sense of loss came over me.

Blood. There was a lot of blood, and Mama and Papa were both dead. I could see their lifeless bodies, bleeding and huddled together on the bare ground. I couldn't understand what I was seeing. Mama was delicate, but Papa was a strong wolf, second only to Uncle Nathan in terms of strength. I couldn't comprehend how he could be dead.

When I heard some noises, I raised my head. The intruders had not left.

I bolted and hid behind Mama and Papa's tent when I heard footsteps approaching. There were five men, one of whom was holding Papa's brown leather bag. I could feel the fury rising and overwhelming me when I saw that. I gasped in bewilderment when I recognized one of the men. Why was he with the bad men?

Shifting quickly, I leaped out of my hiding spot and charged at them, my wrath taking control. When one of them saw me, he screamed. I could feel his fear. I'd shifted many times before, but this time it felt different. My head appeared to be much farther from the ground than in previous times. I felt bigger, stronger, and more feral than ever before.

I pounced as the other men noticed me and began shouting as well. It was as if I wasn't myself because I could see what I was doing, but it didn't feel like it was me doing it. It was as though I were a bystander watching a rampage.

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