Chapter 41 - Unexpected Answers

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I still can't believe that Storm has forgiven me. After I finally gathered the courage to tell him I love him, I felt so much lighter and happier, like a weight had been lifted off my shoulder.

It's Sunday, so we lie in bed for a while after we wake up, wrapped in each other's arms.

"We should probably go and check on Callum," I say, releasing Storm so that we can rise from the bed.

"Do you smell that?" he asks with a frown.

"Smell what?"

"It's more what you don't smell. Callum!"

I rush out of the bedroom after Storm to the now-empty living room. The couch is back to being a normal couch, but its occupant is nowhere to be found. Storm checks the guest bedroom too, and comes out looking upset.

"Damn it! He left," Storm growls. Before I can respond a paper floats to him, and he snatches it from the air and reads it out.

Hey Lovebirds,

Now that you've made up, my work here is done. Bye!

Just kidding! I'm going on a few errands, but I will be back. Don't get mad, Storm. I promise to return when I'm done with what I need to do. Give me a day or two tops. And don't worry about me. I will be fine.


"Goddess I hope he's not going back there. What if they find out and try to--"

"He'll be fine," I comfort, trying to calm him down.

After a lot of convincing, Storm agrees to give Callum two days and then contact him if he doesn't return.

I cook breakfast for us, happy that Storm is back to eating my meals. We chat amiably while we wolf down eggs, bacon, and toast. Kitai is so ecstatic that we're back to being with each other that he keeps dancing around in my head, distracting me with his constant whooping.

"When are you going to stop that? It's annoying," I grouse at him when he screams his joy into my ear for the thousandth time that morning.

"Should I give you a quick memory trip of how miserable you looked not too long ago?" he returns with a smirk.

"Oh, shut up."

I'm distracted from Kitai's nonsense when Storm's phone rings. He is sprawled on the sofa browsing through his phone with his head on my lap while I answer a few emails on my iPad.

"It's Quinn," he tells me before accepting the call. I can hear Quinn's voice clearly, so I notice immediately that something is wrong.

"Storm, I have something to tell you, and you're not going to like it."

"What is it?" Storm asks, sitting up with a worried frown.

"Someone asked me about the wine. The poisoned wine. Remember the wine that made you sick?"

"Yes, yes, I do. Who was it?"

I grip Storm's hand in support when I feel the nerves and tension rolling off him. Quinn sighs before answering in a voice full of regret and confusion. "Storm, it was Tomas."

The blood drains from Storm's face. "What do you mean? How can- That's impossible, Quinn."

"I know this is very hard for you-- goddess, it's hard for me too, but he's the only one who seems to know about it, and he asked me if I had drank it."

"When did-"

"I'm coming over," Quinn interrupts. "I already called Aris. She will meet me at your place so that we decide on what to do."

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