Chapter 18 - Double Dose of Love

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While we wait for Aris, who had made a detour to her guest accommodations to pick up something, Storm and I settle in one of his sofas, with Storm sitting firmly on my lap and my arms wrapped loosely around him.

Right this minute I can't think of any good enough reason why I can't enjoy the comfort and closeness of my mate.

We don't say anything, just enjoy being together in silence, grateful for the moment and listening to each other's heartbeats.

Now that I know for certain that my brother is real and alive, snippets of memories flit through my mind, and I remember moments of laughter and joy, of playing in the grass and wrestling with a young boy much like myself.

"Dion! You need to listen to me, I'm older than you!"
"Only by a few minutes, and I'm faster than you!"

"Do you think your brother will like me?" Storm asks, breaking the silence and making me snort.

He is so predictable.

"Of course, he'll like you. It's impossible for anyone to dislike you," I assure him, running my fingers through his hair to arrange locks that had fallen out of place.

He needs a haircut.

I can't see his face, but I can tell by the happiness that floods me that he's smiling.

"I'm the one who should be concerned about not being liked, not you," I add, and he pulls back to frown at me.

"Of course he'll love you, silly. Why wouldn't he?"

Before I can answer, there's a soft knock on the door, and I feel slightly bereft when Storm gets up from my lap to open the door, ushering Aris in.

She has a bag in her hand which Storm takes from her and deposits on the table where we're seated.

"How soon can you go to New Orleans?" She asks.

Storm turns to look at me with a silent question.

"We can leave tomorrow if that's fine with you," I tell him, and he nods, turning back to Aris.

"We can leave tomorrow."

"Perfect. There are a few things I need to give you before your trip."

She takes out a book, which she hands to me. "This is a copy of my journal. It has data on the previous Protectors and some important information, including the clues to the artifacts."

I turn the book around and flip through it, looking at the old pages, intrigued, then pass it on to Storm.

"Is it just a copy? It looks so real," I observe.

Aris bestows us with one of her blinding smiles. "It is indeed an exact copy. I had a witch friend of mine copy it precisely with magic."

"Wow. I would love to learn how to do that," Storm says, awed.

"Maybe one day, when all of this is over, you can meet her. There are many things she can teach you."

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