Chapter 19 - New Orleans

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Makai has been weird since last night. I think the news about his brother made him emotional, and I don't blame him. I would be emotional too.

Yesterday was so promising. After I was done brushing his hair, he turned around and hugged me. It felt like he just wanted to feel me, to feel my body against his and our hearts beating together.

He hadn't said a word, just hugged me silently for what seemed like hours. I didn't mind the silence so I didn't say anything either, I just hugged him back, relishing the closeness to my mate.

When he pulled back to gaze deeply into my eyes, I was completely lost in his brown orbs, which had glowed slightly golden, and gazed into mine like they were trying to find my soul.

The soft kiss that came after had been...beautiful. His lips had moved against mine gently but possessively, as though trying to worship my lips and possess them at the same time.

I had felt owned, cherished, and adored.

For a wild long moment, I even thought I But I recognize it's just wishful thinking on my part because as much as I am certain Makai cares about me-we had been friends after all- I know he's not in love with me yet.

And that's why I've decided to try as much as possible to keep my heat from him. I don't want him to feel bad for my heat pain, or even Goddess forbid- mate me out of pity.

After we both had a turn in the shower, we cuddled and listened to each other breathe until we fell asleep, content and comfortable.

I've caught him staring a couple of times today, and felt his intense gaze on me which does nothing to dispel the rapidly growing want that I've been ignoring by trying to focus on other things. He's also kissed me twice today without me initiating the intimacy.

Granted, they were both soft and tongueless, but still. Before now, Kai rarely initiated anything without me at least prodding him.

I wonder if finding his family has given him more courage to loosen up and enjoy our mating. Either way, I don't care why he's been extra sweet, affectionate, and open. I'm just happy that the wariness that returned after my kidnapping has disappeared. I'm not about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Our flight is very smooth and comfortable, and I'm grateful that Aris had booked first-class tickets for us because I don't know how I would have made it through a regular flight.

I felt restless and uncomfortable, and I used so much energy to keep Makai from noticing anything was amiss that when sleep called, I embraced it gratefully, plunging deep until he gently shook me awake when we arrived.

We found our contact for the vehicle and whistled when we saw the sleek black Volkswagen Taos Aris has rented for us.

Kai lets me drive us to the hotel and we check-in, dropping our bags and leaving again to find a place for lunch. I'm pleasantly surprised when Makai entwines our fingers together while we walk around enjoying the scenery and searching for a place that called to us.

"Here." Makai points to a quaint eatery with sidewalk seats and bright yellow chairs and tables across the street.

I hum my agreement and walk with him to the eatery, "Perfect Timing". We score a table overlooking the street where we can enjoy the scenery and people-watch while we eat.

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