Chapter 13 - First Date

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*AN - POV will start with Storm and switch to Makai at a point for a better reading experience.


The chat with Callum had left me reeling, and I am even more afraid for Quinn now. Aris had sent a potion over that he was to use to test anything he drinks. I was concerned about food as well but she assured me that they weren't going to use food.

I need to talk to her and share what I had learned from Callum. It was magic, but she has lived long enough as a werewolf that I'm certain she has contacts and connections in the magic world which can help us solve the mystery of who was trying to murder Quinn and why.

But first, I need to contact Quinn to assure myself that he is okay, then locate my mate. I check in through the family bond and hearing my brother's familiar quiet voice calms me down.

Ready to find my mate now, I shut his door behind me and follow his scent to his living room, where I find him fast asleep on his couch.

A smile breaks on my face as I quietly approach him, taking in his handsome features and wild hair which is covering part of his face.

I still can't believe Makai is finally my mate. I crouch down on the floor next to his sleeping frame and lift a hand to gently caress his face. When sleep-lidded brown eyes open to meet mine, I think a little sadly that he will get up to avoid the affection I am showing him, but I'm pleasantly surprised when he just leans more into my hand and closes his eyes again.

"Finished with your chat?"

"Yep," I reply.

"How did it go?"

Regretfully, I remove my caressing hand and rise from the floor. "You're going to want to sit up for this."

He sits up immediately, eyes filled with concern as he waits for me to elaborate. I sit by him and tell him what Callum had said.

"First, he was horrified by the fact that I had seen the symbol anywhere. That serpent is apparently the Symbol of the Nahash Clan."


"Yes, apparently a few decades ago there was a clan that ruled the biggest coven in New Orleans. The Nahash Coven, named after the ruling Nahash clan. Nahash is "serpent" in Hebrew, which is also the symbol of the family. All was fine and dandy until they decided that ruling the biggest coven was not enough. Led by their Coven Lord, Asher Nahash, they started to take over other covens by pretending to want an alliance with them, and then tricking them into coming under their rule."

"Interesting. Did they achieve their purpose?"

"Well, according to Callum, it worked for a while until some covens caught on and began to fight back. The whole clan was supposedly annihilated after the Witches & Warlock Council sought help from our Werewolf council, and all their possessions were destroyed along with them because they were tainted with dark magic.

"How is the necklace connected?"

"He showed me a picture, and it did match the necklace that tried to kill Quinn. That necklace is an heirloom of the family which is passed down to the first grandchild of the coven leader. Because of this, it always skips a generation.

It is also believed to carry very dark magic which can only be controlled by a Nahash descendant."

Makai looks astounded, and I can't blame him.

"How did Quinn end up in possession of such a thing then?"

"That's the most shocking part! When I explained how I came to know about it, he was beside himself. Callum thinks that the only way it ended up with Quinn is because a Nahash descendant wants him dead."

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