Welcome to Zaun

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A/N: this will be more or less different from the other Fanfics I've made, there will be angst, maybe, there will be fluff, not heavy smut but enough, not in this chapter but in later on chapters, Alright lemme stop talking.

-Vi's POV-

I watch Y/N go get powder and Silver, she pushes everyone out and gets the bag, then BAM a blue explosion happened, my back hits the rail but it didn't hurt as much.

I look around to see if everyone's ok, "Y/n? Y/N-!" I feel a hand cover my mouth "Dont yell we are already in big trouble as is" Y/N says while letting go of my mouth "You scared the shit outta me" "I'm fine" she caresses my face, I'll never get tired of it.

Y/N helps everyone up, "we need to go" she looks over to see enforcers "NOW" we all run away, silver trips so I quickly pull her while Y/n is holding powder.

"THIS WAY" I yell, we all hit our shoulders on the wall running to an alley way. I punch a pipe so I can cover us with all the smoke.

Y/n opens a sewer shoot (I forgot how to spell it) "Aw man I just got this shirt- WOAH" Mylo gets interrupted by Y/n pushing him, "Go ahead silver" silver and powder go down at the same time.

"You have the bag go" she gives me the bag "Now you have it" I roll my eyes and fall into the sewer.

Y/n follows after me, I land onto the pile of trash and Y/n lands on top of me "Sorry" she whispers "I'm ok" she is laying on her stomach across my lap.

I pat her ass like I was playing the drum, she sucks her teeth and hits my hand off. I cover my mouth snickering "that was unnecessary" "It's not my fault it looks like a drum" "Shut up" she pushes me and I laugh.

"If y'all are done flirting can we talk about what the hell happened back there?" Claggor says and we all look at silver and powder "What? We didn't do anything" Powder says while crossing her arms "We can fill a whole damn library of the things you guys didn't do" "guys we emptied out a penthouse right under the enforcer's noses" I say

"Sooo if y'all are done beating y'all selves up, Let's take this back home" Y/N says sliding down the pile of trash, she has such a beautiful soul, she belongs in Piltover not here.

We all walk down a sketchy alley way and come across a group of boys Y/n sometimes hang around, I'm not fans of them at all, all they do is kiss up to Y/n, sometimes when she's nice she'll help them, she's too kind.

"Someone really hit the bird's nest huh Y/n" the guys says to her and she hums in response. "Had a nice haul" "You could say that" Mylo says and Y/n pluck his ear, he really needs to learn when to shut up.

All of his goons come around the corner and I hear Y/n "mmmm can we not do this now I haven't had breakfast yet" we all look at her.

"Protecter you really need to stop tracking your mess through my streets" "Your street? What makes you think-?"

"Listen we don't want any trouble" Claggor says "You hear that deckard they don't want any trouble" one of the goons say

"From my experience, Trouble finds you" Y/n walks forward "just give us a little taste of your treasure and hand over the Protecter and we all go home happy"

"Deckard if you wanted to hang out you could've just said tha-." "We aren't giving you anything" I interrupt Y/n, She needs to learn to not always give people what they want-

"All I'm asking is a little taste" I see something flash, Y/n moved in time but it cut her hip a little bit.

"Deckard you want a little taste" Y/n grabs the bag I went to go stop her but Claggor stops me "what are you doing" "Trusting her cuz we all know what comes next when Y/n becomes nice to easily" my eyebrow raised in confusion.

"That's a good girl, just a little ta-." She smacks him across the face with she bag really hard and throws the bag to powder.

Me and Her go back to back, we all fight off the goons and this time Silver kicked ass instead of running away.

-after the fight-

I lean my back up against the wall "Stay here" Y/n says to get some alcohol from her bag "WAIT" the boy pulls out a knife.

I was going to get up but Y/n walks up to him bending over a little looking at the knife and then looking at him "Wanna see how that ends?" She glares at him coldly, never seen this side of her kinda hot.

He drops the knife and She throws a tissue on his chest, she didn't hate him even tho she should. She's just disappointed that she had to fight a friend, but deep down I know she doesn't feel sorry.

"Still pretty with a beat up face" she says to em while wiping my cheek with alcohol "Shut up" I say while smiling. "You ok silver" she looks over, Silver didn't have a scratch on her "I'm ok" she smiles.

She pulls me up and we both walk to the area where the elevator is. "YOU DID WHAT?" Mylo yells "IM SORRY I tried to fight him off with mouser but, she didn't work" powder says sadly.

"Who saw that coming" Mylo says sarcastically "We should've never gone there" "Doesn't matter, the stuff is gone, I'm very glad you're alright" she says while waking up to powder and caressing her cheek.

Powder smiles sweetly and walks behind Y/n, powder used to be uncomfortable around Y/n but when Y/n would encourage her, play with her, and stick by her side, powder loved Y/n like another sister.

It was also the same for me and silver, "You were badass out there Silver" I say to her, she smiles and holds my hand. Silver did really good. Guess she has been practicing with Y/n.

"I get my face bashed in and she just gets a free pass" Y/n hums, to be honest Y/N's voice sounds so mature and proper, makes me question is she really around my age, it's hot to be honest.

I feel a warm cheek lay on my shoulder "You ok?" I ask and She hums "Tired is all" angels whispers. "You did good today Silver didn't think you had the guts" Mylo says leaning back.

"Thanks" she shrugs him off "Maybe you can teach miss Jinx over here a thing or two"

"Drop it Mylo" I hear Y/N say while groaning "You ok?" I ask "the cut kinda hurts but I'll be fine.

A/n: hey im sorry of there are misspellings I'll try to get to it later,

Love you all and I hope you enjoy this new series, i maye get back to the Original one but I'll see.

Bye bye 🔥❤️💋

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