Wait? What?!

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(Vi's POV)

We travel different villages trying to look for where Y/n wants to meet up "What if it's a trap?" I look back to Cailtyn "Vi" she says walking past me "You May have known her most of ur life but.. here's 1 thing I learned about Y/n, She can be cruel and Evil but when it comes to other people she never betrays. Especially if she is turning herself in.. she has a heart a gold with a stone exterior." She explains.

I think about all the times Y/n has saved my ass when we were kids.. always got herself injured.. to protect her family.

"We will sort this out, believe it or not.. I don't want her to go to jail. I won't except it." Cailtyn says in a forceful tone.

I smile at how much Cailtyn loves Y/n, "I won't let them separate us again" I say walking next to Cailtyn.

"Let's stay in this village for the night. We are close but it's late. Highly doubt would want to do business this late at night" Cailtyn says as we look for an inn.

"Can we get 1 room for 2 please" the girl across the table gives her a key but doesn't say anything.

She must not be a big talker "Thank you" Cailtyn says as we go up to a room.

"Hm even a simple inn is fancy" I comment looking around the room.

Cailtyn takes her top off and so do I.

Cailtyn lays down and I lay down behind her. "Vi, do you think that Y/n wants her memories back?" She asks as I see her body tense up.

I say get slightly on top of her "To be honest, I don't know" Cailtyn looks to at the ring on her finger "Even if she doesn't.. we can all make new memories" I say tangling my fingers in hers.

Cailtyn looks at me with a flushed face, our lips connect together. Cailtyn wraps her legs around mine.

"Vi" I hear a voice call for me, and then everything goes black.

(Y/N's POV)

I may have had to many drinks, we decided to go up to the club rooms for some air.

"I love you Jinx" I say as I wrapping my arms around her neck. "Sweet cheeks, I think you should sober up first before saying stuff like that" she says almost pushing me away.

"But- I do.. You're the best person in the world! If only I could explain.." I say fiddling with her fingers as my head rests on her lap.

"Sweet cheeks you can't say stuff like that... if you don't mean it.. especially if you're drunk"

"Jinx I hope you are well aware I'm not a light weight. I'm not drunk, it's just that.. I've been thinking about the conversation we had and.. even if I don't have my memories, I want to make new ones with you..

And if I do get my memories back, if I don't remember what happened now, please tell me.. promise me" I say getting close to her face.

Jinx cups my face "I promise" places rough but yet gentle kisses on my lips. I kiss back as she leans onto me more.

Jinx kisses and nips my neck. I sigh while biting my lip.

Jinx tries to take off my shirt as she kisses down my neck to my chest.

"Wait-!" I say putting my hands on her shoulders. Jinx looks up at me almost worried, "Not here.. I don't want to do it here" I say getting up as she pulls my arm and we leave the club.

Mid way she picks me up and we go to the tavern. We make it to my room and she lays me down on the bed.

"Y/n are you sure?" Jinx asks making sure that I know what I'm doing "Yes Powder, I want you" I say aliasing her cheek and her neck.

She smiles and kisses my chest while taking off my top. She kisses my breasts and nipples, I bite my lip and wrap my legs around her waist.

She licks my stomach and pulls down my shorts. Her hands caresses and messages my body while she makes her way down my body. Leaving hickeys on my body.

"Y/n, just to make sure, are you ok with this?" Jinx asks "I'm sorry for forcing you Jinx, you should have told me, I don't know what went through my head, I should have asked you too-!" Jinx cuts me off me off kissing my lips.

"No that's not what I meant Sweet Cheeks, I want you, I want all of you, I really do but, I want to make sure that you are comfortable.." Jinx explains spreading my legs a bit.

"I want you Jinx, I want you bad" I say holding her hand.

She smiles and flattens her tongue on my folds as I relax a bit, letting out a sigh.

She starts off slow and works her way up the speed.

I grip onto the sheets as she eats me out hungrily, I cover my mouth as, I put my hand on her head.

She was very skilled, I'm a bit surprised but not at the same time. I mean she did have a long term relationship with my sister.

I arch my back as the knot in my stomach start to tighten.

She.. stops?

My eyes flutter open as she smirks up at me. "You know Y/n I'm still mad at you for not telling me, you were leaving" she says kissing my inner thigh.

My whole started to ache as she keeps teasing me "I-.. Jinx I-!" She kisses my stomach up to my chest "I can't hear you"

"I'm sorry Jinx" "For?" "For not.. telling- you I was- leaving..." I stutter as her finger play with my hole.

Jinx thrusts her fingers rapidly as I grip her arms tightly, my toes start to curl and I gasp from Jinx kissing and nipping my neck.

My legs shake violently as my orgasm start to approach more and more.

My moans echo throughout the room and the scent of sex. My nails pierce and scratch Jinx's arms.

I bite her shoulder as I squirt all over Jinx's hand, she kept the speed and I orgasm again but my whole body shakes from the intense pleasure I'm receiving.

She slows down a bit so I can ride out my high, she kisses me sweetly.

I put my forehead on Jinx's.

Jinx cuddles me, honestly I didn't think she was a hugger, at least towards me.

"What about you?" I ask "Another time Doll face" she says kissing my forehead.

"You're so soft and extremely warm" she says hugging me tightly.

I drift off to sleep as she hums.

"Nighty Night Sweet cheeks" She says tangling her hands in my hair.

I didn't notice at first but, her hair was not in braids. At least I don't think... I guess we will find out in the morning.

I am so sorry if this was cringe, but like, I had to do what I had to do.

See y'all in the next chapter Love ❤️

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