On the Bridge

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-Y/N's POV-

We walk to the bridge and I stop. "Love?" "We can't stop now" Ekko and Caitlyn call out, "Cupcake c'mon" Vi says taking my hand.

"I can't leave them again" I say backing up a bit, "They're too far gone, there's no more Powder or Silver-!" Ekko gets interrupted by me "I have to try, I can get through to them" I say crossing my arms.

I hug Ekko "Don't get yourself killed" he whispers in my ear "No promises" I say while smiling.

I look at Caitlyn "What? I'm going with yo-.." I interrupt her "No caitlyn you can't this time, I need you here" she looks at me sad "But, you told me we should always stick..together" she says almost on the verge of crying.

"I know what I said, but I can't risk losing you" I say putting my hands on her arms for a hug, Cailtyn hugs her tightly "Please take care of her she's reckless and very protective over others" Cailtyn says holding her shoulders.

"You have my word sweet cheeks" Vi says twirling a strand of her hair. Caitlyn looks t her and Vi walks away pulling my arm lightly.

"I see she's growing on you" i says holing her hand. "A little bit" Vi says smiling lightly.

I stop again, "..Vi I smell..I smell bombs-!" we see green lights fly over us ""VI WE NEED TO GO BA-!" A explosion on the bridge making me fall back a bit "Cupcake! You ok?" Vi asks.

"I'm fine" I get up and run to the fire "CAITLYN!!" I yell out for her looking around, I was extremely worried. "SWEET CHEEKS?!" I hear Caitlyn grunt.

Me and Vi run to her. I cup her cheeks, "Nonononono Caity, Love I'm sorry I'm so sorry, I promise I won't leave you again" I say looking at her praying she wasn't dying.

I put my forehead on hers, tears and dirt streamed down my face, I hear her cough and breathing heavily "Love?" She coughs out.

I pick her up, "I'm sorry I should have never left you" I say sniffling. "You did what you thought was right, and I appreciate that" she says laying her head on mine.

"Did you like the new bombs I made big sis, I'm sorry you had to experience it up clos-." She stumbles on her sentence as she sees me Vi and Cailtyn.

I push them to the ground, bullets start going off and I dodge them. Silver takes the gem and walks away.

Ekko flies in, "go" he says giving Caitlyn the bag "What about yo-!" Ekko interrupts me "GO!" He yells.

"Oh look who it is, the boy savior!" I hear Silver yell.

- Silver's POV-

Ekko pull out his watch and it starts ticking, he smirks at me and I look at him smirking back,


We get ready to fight,

-Fight scene-

I put my hands up trying to stop him from punching me, he raises his fists looking at me. I look at him heavily breathing, he stares at me, with a a shocked face.

He gets a little closer, he whispers in to me "I can help you" he says taking his weapon off my neck. "No you can't" I say pushing him off but he doesn't budge.

"GET OFF ME-!" I feel hands pin my wrists to the ground and a pair of lips on mine. I was shocked, I didn't expect him to do this...as much as I love both him and Powder I can't betray her.

We parted out lips and I whisper "I'm sorry" he looks at me confused and pull out a bomb that was ready.

It explodes in near my face, I hear my sister but muffled. I then hear Jinx cry over me while Silco picking me up, kissing my forehead.

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