Dear Friend

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(Y/N's POV)

I hiss, "Jinx!" "Almost done Sweet Cheeks" She whispers into my ear.

I hug onto the pillow for support "And- DONE!" Jinx wipes my hip with a paper towel. "I told you it doesn't hurt that much" she says while kissing my back.

"I'm not getting another big tattoo again-" I try to get up but I feel a sharp pain telling me to lay back down.

"Well it shouldn't hurt that much, in about 48 hours or was it a month-!" "A month?!"

"I'm just teasin love" she pats my ass and walks away, "Where are you going- don't leave!" I shout at her.

"Come back.." she walks back to me "So needy Sweet Cheeks" she presses her lips against mine.

She helps me get up and carries me bridal style.

(Btw this is the tattoo Y/n got)

(This is just an idea if the tattoo, Y/n is still out Dark Chocolate Queen)

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(This is just an idea if the tattoo, Y/n is still out Dark Chocolate Queen)

"Kinda hungry, wanna go out to eat?" Jinx asks while putting me down, "Sure why not" I hold her hand walking a bit toward the door.

"Hey Jinx.. I- think I want-... my memories now.. like right now" Jinx pauses for a second.

"C'mon" she lets go of my hand and rubs out the door. "WAIT! Ugh she knows I can't ran for shit!" I run after almost catching up.

I'm almost out of breath already? Damn I'm getting old.. "She jumps down a huge dirt hole.

I stop looking down at it, "Nope!" I turn around, "But the love of my life is in there- Oh well.. BUT what if she gets hurt- she has guns on her.. but what if they don't work-?"

"She'll be fine-." I start to walk away "Fuck it!" I jumó in the hole and I slide down on my feet.

After a while it got dark then a Bunch of different colored lanterns starts brightening up the path.

At the end it was a very bright underground city, it was beautiful.

(Lost City of Stealth)

"Woahh, this is freaky cool-!" "Yeah it's pretty good paradise" Jinx comes up behind me

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"Woahh, this is freaky cool-!" "Yeah it's pretty good paradise" Jinx comes up behind me .

I cross my arms "What's wrong Sweet cheeks?" "I'm mad at you" I mumble. She walks away, "Powderrrrr don't go!" I hugs her planting my face on her back .

"Hm! I'd rather explode myself  than leave you" she says while cupping my face.

I place my hand gently on hers "I see you too are finally tied into a messy knot" Singed walks up us, "Hey doc, This one wants her memories back" Jinx hugs my waist with one arm.

His calm face turned worried "Please old man, I know before I didn't really care but.. now I do!"

"It's more of the process than your decision, You can do whatever you like, but the process is a bit.. painful" he explains while walking away.

We follow him to his office "You May not be live through it" he plucks one of his needles while we go to is underground office.

"She will make it Doc, Y/n is a strong and powerful woman, she will make it"

"You do know what I have to do to you right?"

"Go ahead doc"

He injects Jinx with something to knock her out, "JINX-!" He injects me too and carries me on to the table.

"Listen little Koi fish, this will be painful for me to bare, she knows if she saw what I am about to do to you, she would go more berserk than she is now"

"It's for her sanity, and your own-!"

(After all the painful effects of getting Y/N's memories back)

I wake up and roll of the table "Got ya!" Powder catches me, I touch her face and cup it.

"I know what your about to say but, before you say anything and before I go off crying. I really do love you.. and all these years I've been so happy cuz of you" Jinx sits me up.

I stare into her eyes, she looks down not wanting to look at me, "Why did you have to be so quiet about your emotions?" I asked.

I hear her sniffle, "I- I don't know.." "Powder look at me" she still looks down.

I put my finger under her chin, slightly making her look at me. She walk closer between my legs, I wrap my legs around her waist and press my lips onto hers.

Her hands roaming my body, "You look so beautiful, as always" I comment and she looks away.

She smirks at me and I gasp, her fingers thrust into me, "Jinx, not here, at home-!" I quietly gasp out.

She thrust faster and i snap my head back as her finger rub on my g-spot. My toes curl and as my orgasm starts to wash over me she stops. "Wha-!" "You said we can do it at home, your words not mine"

I groan "You and your sister get on my nerves! I swear!" I cross my arms, she licks her fingers while giggling.

"Welcome back Sweet Cheeks"

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